Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Identity how?

Her mackintosh shivers,
outside cold is annoying,
seated on the mahogany chair
in the cafeteria,
she sobs and sips coffee .
Hot puffs of smoke, as if
transparent, wavy livery
of a dancing girl release out,
she has the signed copy of
‘ Serpent and the Rope ‘ ,
Her soldier’s copy, love is
Still there, love still craves,
Yet, the soldier has not returned.
Turning the pages of the book,
She realizes life is Maya ,
Intractable illusion,
She revels in her identity,
There is another ,choking.
Her grief, for the lost love,
Love, her love is knocked off
by a bartender,
she twirls her pearl ring,
a gift of remembrance .
a willow tune comes from afar,
A similar identity.

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