Friday, April 30, 2010

(49) The burial ground

(49) The burial ground
The secluded burial ground shakes, quivers like
an epileptic patient, mourns not for the heaps of
dead ,buried, but for the mass murders and mutilated
bodies, lumps of flesh stitched after post mortem:
“ can I hold, can I bear these lifeless
Samples of their last journey?
Can I bear this eyesore and unbearable sight?
The burial ground weeps not only for those who
closed their eyes and dump but also for those who
have been stripped and scanned and seduced by coercion.

The bones rise up in a bold step
to protest against the maltreatment,
the burial ground hitherto patient,
now bursts into untold outbursts
of skirmishes and threats,
“ I am overpowered and over swelled,
in due course I will be underground!”

(48) Currency

(48) Currency.
Why is the printed paper frittering on the table?
in spite of the paper weight, weightless now,
to suppress the agitated note notable for its usage!
in its use there is this abuse and absolute misuse;
Can I compare to Cleopatra’s agitated moods to fly
with winged words and inroads into romantic rhapsody,
does it mourn the touch of the polluted hands
which repeat the parrot cry of sinned Macbeth?
Yet, it is more sinned against than sinning,
For people take for granted the note’s reticence,
A single note like the soldiers or battalions
In the war field, multiplies ,corrupts, corrugates,
acquires the name of munificence ,or miser,
whether rupee or Euro , ryal, or dollar or Dinar,
it rules the roost and acquires wide currency,
currency makes, mars, marriages and murders;
currency can play the role of Midas or black magician,
like the stringent God of Death, currency cares little for
emergency or urgency! If it cares-------------alas
it is not currency but the milk of rare human tendency!
Human tendency, humane buoyancy!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

( 47) Mother's Day.

(47) Mother’s Day.
We like something special
wonderfully unique and memorable,
as memorable as birthday of a newborn,
the day of child’s birth after birth pangs,
which answers the query,
why is Mother’s day celebrated?
why not Father’s day? Why not brother’s day?
It is the pretty womb of the mother,
that begets men and women,
it is the same womb like a casket,
treasures the infant from the embryonic
till it encounters its arrival into this earth:

The first word that the child lisps
Is that beautiful ‘ma’ and not ‘pa’.
Why not we have mothers to
have this day more motherly and merry.

( 46) W hat is a paper?

(46) What is a paper.
What is a paper, a thin filmy layer?
may be empty, blank sheet,
a black white or coloured bunch of leaves,
a coir of folders, loose and found
a beautiful poem, outpourings of
rejected love or renegade,
or an admirable artefact,
could be an invitation or court affidavit,
cherished files or meaningful records,
files carrying accusations and accomplishments too,
a volume beckoning an aeon of bygone events,
who knows, unfulfilled ambitions too.

A multipurpose equipment,
a petition of heavy complaints or connivances,
the paper fritters like a flying squad,
the paper preserves like a Messiah’s message,
can also inject and insinuate like a mosquito menace.

(45) A Prayer

(45) A Prayer
Like the rosy—leaved Lotus in centripetal position,
her folded hands and closed eyes in rapt attention,
A docile cow perhaps, an austere devotee in inexplicable piety,
kneels down in the sanctum sanctorum with all humility,
her lip movement reverberates like inchoate plans,
Yet the mind in full tender ,terrestrial composes;
droplets of tears roll down her cheeks,
in full recognition of His everlasting Grace,
her eyes slowly open like that of the sunflower,
in augmenting a warm welcome to the rising sun of power,
she desires to continue, devoid of distraction,
yet domestic responsibilities in full concentration,
fully getting the Angelic nod and approval,
marching ahead and in mind’s plan fair and total.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

(44) Plus In Minus

(44) Plus in Minus
In a broad daylight of robbery and rapacious plunder,
of man and materialistic objects,
amidst Mammoth rally and Mammon-worship,
like meat -eating and convivial merriment
and jubilation in adjoining burial ground of cremation,
I wander lonely as a lone walker,
yet jostled by the motley crowd,
of wearing many a mysterious look and attitudes:
A rag picker carrying his pouch—his booty,
his mouth humming a light tune reflecting his plenty,
moving along, speeding along, ekes out his livelihood,
sees much in the minus of his existence.
He sang: the deceased had affluence
but affected by all sorts of social evils,
also afflicted by uncommon disease.
He a rag-picker- a pauper, not a debtor,
A free walker ---yet a rag picker,
happy with his waiting wife, playful wards
perceives plus in the minus of his life.

(43) Ban on jar

(43) Ban on bar

The tablemat winked at the glass jar,
parried queries endless and too far,
“ you are cool and shining,
why there is no jubilation in the bar?
why no call for the waiter, or porter, or car?”
The glass responded, “ the bar is no longer a bar,
it is becoming a place of warfare.”
“ what makes empty the counter?”
The inquisitive table-mat worried the docile glass jar,
the war is on account of total ban on drinking,
it involves much controversy and thinking,
The glass jar replied, “ let them wink or think,
Run or ban, kick and fight, blow or boost,
You and I will reign in this roost.”

(42) The plight of the kite

(42) The plight of the kite.

The thin, light paper frizzles,
fritters to escape the burden
of paper weight,
as would the flying kite,
controlled by the lengthy thread,
a remote control from the ground,
the kite basks in the vast sky,
into the arena of unfettered freedom,
releases from the clutches of the
thread’s thraldom,
month long drudgery marred in
a moment’s distraction,
manumission much sought after,
the afflicted kite flies higher, higher,
never to return.

( 41) Spring's message

(41) Spring’s message.
The blossoming spring soothes me
with the promising secrecy of success,
the avidly awaited season ensures me,
with successive laurels as the unfailing
crops would comfort the anguish --ridden farmer,
or the ten long month’s waiting by patient mother
partakes of the cherub’s new advent,
the clusters of jasmine of April
dispels my darkness,
May’s motherly care makes me a full-blown being,
in my life’s circle, there is no more gloomy winter,
my season is set, spring’s showers to wet.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(40) Numerical mystery or mastery

(40) Numerical mystery or mastery

Eminent educationists evolve five-year plan,
skilled scientists stretch into a ten-year clan,
the structures and syllabi revised
histories and wars reasonably reduced,
Curriculum carefully planned , concepts scanned,
as would a doctor into the womb of the expectant mother,
printed applications are sold hot,
the bold lines emphatically in print,
admissions are strictly on merit,
guides and notes are sought,
planned and prescribed textbooks are naught,
examinations are on time scheduled,
strict discipline and vigilance reinforced,
mass coping is prohibited,
miscreants are meticulously debarred,
yet, the blank answer sheets become rank sheets,
rank sheets become reduced sheets,
zero is turned into eighty,
ten into hundred,
is it academic jugglery? Or numerical mystery ?

(39) Run to shun

(39) Run to Shun
I run, run, run to gain rounds to run,
run to take grasp of grounds and mounds,
run to soar upwards,
like a soaring bird upward,
like ambitions to pierce through,
running and gasping
and galloping the blue sky,
run to scale beyond the ambit of space,
run faster to shun the ingrate humanity,
run to shed the scabby and unscrupulous,
like the speeding rail or tram,
unswerving along the bridge,
scratching its tail and head,
yet spear heading its goal,
reach its destination, shaping many a destiny,
I run, run, run the risk of time,
to compete with the

challenges of changing times!

( 38) The Third Vision.

(38) The Third Vision
You allow a third party into your life,
like chopped green chillies and smashed onion
your existence beckons to many, an euphoria,
everyday turns out to be a tantrum and tactless labour,
words become hot pellets and there is a vacuum around you,
who is the third parry? The question bemuses me:
every blood sucker, leech ,sadist trying to take
advantage of the situation, like the battalions
swooping past into the battlefield, your privacy is unfolded,
your self is strangled, your soul runs its pathway,
unswerving and would not yield to the mundane,
yes! Soul is in search of a better super zone,
a market where marketing cannot be done
but only benign rule prevails, here the customer is
conscious of his purse and commodity, the seller is
the same as anybody.

Monday, April 26, 2010

( 37) Anonimity

(37) Anonymity
There the mortuary seems to mourn
heaps of piled bodies,
many a body unclaimed and unidentified,
or accident victims abrogate automobiles,
abortioned embryos awfully
curse the wombs that bore,
here, the merciless teacher spells the
spells of strict supervision,
wields her cane on the innocent,
you call it a punishment by pealing of the skin,
a forced knock on the ears or breaking off the skull,
the application of scales, just a mathematical formula,
meticulous on fingers and fists,
adherence to false commitment, or appended discipline,
or emotion, without any promotion;
murder within the precincts of police station,
rape and arson beyond man’s mental ambit,
signal points and check posts unsignalled,
telephone boxes haunted by calls unanimous,
as would a dilapidated house
by ghosts, and eerie sounds,
urchins and orphans

occupy the mainstream of life,
life of oppression and despair,
why this anonymity?

( 36) The big mystey of Time.

(36) The big mystery of Time.

Time, the experienced and involved say,
keeps the suffering and choked and bay,
A slow promoter and best healer,
Caretaker and unfailing remedial measure,
but ere how much of patience and perseverance,
the boils and blisters and wound -cuts,
self- medication and meditation,
A plethora of pessimistic observation
at times resulting in negation;
the needles of clock often strike work,
our deft hands adjust and brisk,
Tick-tick continues, time moves ahead,
dragging us all ahead, ahead in measured speed,
in a shift of day and night,
just as caring hospital nurse trite,
tending the dying and caring the cursed,
while we stand desperate and bemused,
pass through the intricate passage,
like the winding stairway,
of the tedious and taxing steps,
Tests, tests our patience and testing times,
these are our TESTING TIMES,
Penetration beyond our imagination,
Perhaps God sent calculation,
yet, time travels, trails through crude paths,
Time takes its OWN TIME to criss-cross paths,
Time adamant not to bend,
Time takes its own Time to JUSTIFY THE END.

(35) The crab and me

(35) The crab and me
The active crab plays hide and seek in the sand dunes,
braving the white booming tides, who knows?
could be a lesson for the dejected and dispirited?
The white foam forms an endless border of the beach
or that of a sari ,with works of filigree excellent,

The ground-nut vendor carelessly sings and walks,
with least ambitions, but only to exhaust the commodity,
His utterance with rhythmic colloquy,
The rhythm of his tonal variations makes a seesaw,
yet, the crab plays hide and seek in the sand-dunes;

The roaring tidal waves splash little caring
the presence of the modest crab,
still the crab is unsafe in its native land,
I sit in a corner and watch the fun and facts of life,
yet the crab plays hide and seek in the sand dunes;

I sit in a corner with my frittering notebook,
the papers fly to befriend the waves,
my hands curiously search for clusters of pearl.
but land up in seashells and pebbles.
yet, the crab plays hide and seek in the sand –dunes;

A sense of fear grips me
like a boy giddy in a giant wheel,
I wish to move away from the sea
I see the crab crawling before me
Perhaps calling me for hide and seek.

( 34) The balloon

34) The balloon
The full - blown balloon colourful in its full flow,
as a man puffed with pride in artificial glow,
tries to Fly and dance in flamboyant mood,
ill caring for other’s plight and livelihood,
tries to sever ties with cosmopolitan crowd,
away from the ground, ground,
waves and swims into air with swift strokes,
cracks carelessly to a corner into pieces from core,
a vain attempt to befriend man’s pride—the propeller,
prefers into a hide, corner.

(33) A good guess

(33) A good guess.
We were the butt of ridicule,
they crushed as they would
A polythene paper, or a paper napkin
after a tea-party, or a mini get together,
We wished the Almighty, That they
should be ingrained with sensibility,
we prayed to God instil in them
some sense of propriety of thinking,
in every deed and gaiety.
Yet every precaution and every premonition
went unheeded, just as the derailment of train,
we wished them some good sense and sanity,
when they went awry with arrogance and vanity,
they committed sins endless, buried their conscience,
did mischief, mangled truth sans Evidence,
yet, we did not harbour retaliation, lest their
body and mind should result in mutilation,
we surrendered to the Divine Incarnation and God,
they supplicated themselves to the incarceration
of body and thought and all mundane self with a nod,
still we knelt down for their rehabilitation,
can you guess, who that “we” and “they,”
we can only admonish them and I daresay,
but we will not deviate from the norms and go astray.

He that cannot be managed

He that can not be managed.

No reading in street lamps,
no burning midnight lamp,
He does not have to be painstakingly
serious , studious, meticulous,
nor does the examination fear
is a threat to him;
The examiner is admirably his boss,
silently managed, gratified,
The unfilled pages have amply
fulfilled his desire of a medical seat,
surgery in future is a tragedy ,
that is a different thing now,
at the moment.
There is another examiner
I am scared of ,
Brahma , is ready with his clay
ready to play,
resonant for HIS ongoing successive
task of His Creation
for the next generation,
the next round, count down;
each one of us set ,
in His stupendous mould,
impartial, His meticulous
Architectonics inviolable:
He certainly can NOT be MANAGED.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

( 32) Where am I ?

(32) Where am I ?

I may be a docile cow or a passive spectator,
and not cowed down by clouts and shouts,
have the changing world and motley crowd,
invariably drawn by puzzles and thrills,
like a conundrum, life forever is posing a problem,
whether hotmail ,or concord, life is running its own course,
toiling housemaid near the firewood,
unruly crowd in the fraudulent ration shop,
the queue overstretching the street corner,
felled streets blocking the traffic,
the cylinder man’s heavy shoulder,
eager to ease the burden of purpose,
the drunken addict in booze of overdose,
dragging the hair of his wife,
as would a lion a goat kid in strife,
animal passion in man up welling,
the avaricious housewife swallows all
reason or rhyme, visits the maternity
ward, every two years fresh confinement,
she is not for her daughter’s marriage,
augments source of perennial income,
prefers her son a lifelong bachelor,
lest her coffer should become pauper,
advocates divorce a panacea for all ills,
what is her senile husband? A knowledgeable
puppet, a dancing doll in the hand,
the world remains the same, the crowd changes
its stand, forever, we have to be a part of the changing
scenario, philanderer and philanthropy all go hand in hand.

(31) Time and you and me

(31) Time, you and me.

I am wondering at the non- stop concept of Time,
while, you while away the time aimlessly,
although , you and me and Time are knit together,
what I am wanting is Time,
you are absolutely wasting time,
though the TIME has no mind
and heart to wait for us:
I adore the very concept of Time,
you amble away the very prospect of precious time,
I am able to capture Time,
you disable and rupture time and time’s set record,
yet, time does not bother but runs on its own wings,
running to achieve global phenomenon,
I wonder at Time’s immeasurable quality,
Quality not to flout PUNCTUALITY.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I weep for the Loss

I weep for the Loss.
In my mind’s topography,
inlet flows , zigzag, where?
sitting by the creek
I weep for the incomprehensible loss,
mute before the agitating,
agitated humanity in tenterhooks,
Loss of what?
Weep not for the colossal tsunami washed,
buried innocent when the actual
loss veers round elsewhere,
Where, you know, I too know,
Only we pretend not to know,
Distorted , agnostic faith crumbling
the scientific, questioning animal into morsels ,
blown and buried ,
meaning of Epic battles marred:
what if Krishna descends into the
battlefield , admonishes, or preaches,
HE is a nonentity.
There are many who put the query,
IS Krishna going to quench your
thirst? Or appease your appetite?
Certainly not, for they are unquenchable .

Daffodils serenade, but I cannot partake
Of the undivided joy, for I weep for the loss,
Loss of what? Enlightenment of facts.
ignorance , or Maya whatever you term
has encapsulated , monopolised this
thinking membrane, loss of precious Time,
innocence is cuffed by conniving autocrats,
in the interregnum sins multiplied,
I WEEP for the loss of sanctity.

Friday, April 23, 2010

(30) My dogged will

(30) My dogged will.
In my life’s cycle of seasons,
Spring and summer are partial,
decide to recede backwards,
I walk through the path of autumnal leaves,
darkness and devilish fear rule my reign,
the excessive waters of winters immerse me,
sheets of water drown me to the deep,
elsewhere the speedy hurricane tries uproot me,
I am sad to see the felled parts around me,
yet the hurricane is delighted in my partial uprooting,
I decide to sprout forth, to come to the forefront,
I spring forth, spring springs,
Spring sings like a nightingale,
Sings a symphony,
seduces my passive mood, enthrals me,
I spring, sprout, share the sprightliness.

(29) Fear of Terrorism

(29) Fear of terrorism
Deadly noise and squadrons emitting smoke,
Shots of fire, stealing mass and the cry of children,
Fire! Fire! Fire of hatred and gunshots,
Fire of vengeful ire, not of celestial fire,
atom bombs, blunderbuss, rifle butts,
drop like contagious spread of fever,
like eruption of epidemic and hatred dreadful
spreading like sheets of water,
fire of terror like cameramen carefully positioned,
gunmen carelessly shooting like peanuts,
annihilations of individuals and nations,
fear grips us all like elevators without power.

Hospitals stink with the decay of unresolved bodies,
when resolved only with the feel of rotten dogs on the road,
to be loaded on the corporation lorry,
why this eyesore, why this cruelty on God’s creation?
let us hold the mirror of olive branch,
on a long lasting mission of peace and good will,
let us all keep a vigil on the enemy within our self,
who is ever in ambush? Let us join the meaningful
Mission of the Messiah, “ peace for world peace,”
Instead of tearing human flesh into pieces, construct
A Dome of Peace, Bliss and Paradise.

( 28) Nobility

( 28) Nobility.
Nobility shrinks in its own shell,
like a pearl in its oystered safe;
Nobility hides itself in its royal mansion,
shell shocked by ignoble statements,
of abominable stinks and stains,
of stings untold and stigmas too:
The antelope hounded by hunting dogs,
Pearly wisdom and pearly laugher,
Pious and protected in its promenade,
Nobility always aiming at stability,
stands erect and speaks facts and figures,
yet shrinks in its own shell,
safe vault of uncompromising dignity,
Nobility refuses to retort or wreak vengeance ,
nor does it boomerang like an arrow,
oh! You nobility , the offspring of truth,
and gentle lineage and rare birth and existence
may you grow and grow to heavenly heights!

(27) A summer evening.

( 27) A summer evening.
A summer evening, a carefree walk to the park,
a cute cuisine like lounge by the lark
of a crowded metropolitan town ,
above my head, a bunch of colourful kites,
launched by a group of urchins playful and merry,
kites controlled by the rigors of the ground,
innocent boys play with us; innocence partakes of the jollity.
it is indeed a memorable summer evening.
The boys enter into a keen competition with the
far-reaching colourful kites;
A covey of birds swiftly swim across the sky,
wind pierces the paper, propels the space
rustle in the wind rules my heart,
a sense of migration of a clan, to a much -- loved spot,
amber after sunset, the fragrances of jasmine and rose thrill
my senses like that of some divine chanting,
my fingers play on the imaginary fiddle,
nearby the foot-ball match is in full swing,
the jubilation is in its upswing,
unseen insects sing silently to denote the dusk,
I hasten homeward to sing the poetry of my heart.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

( 26) My village Tree -a villanelle

(26) My village Tree. A villanelle.

The Tree was symbolic of shade and peace,
thirty long years were spent in that village,
for many,tree gave asylum by noose.

Rich and needy gathered the market place,
to talk about tutelage and tillage,
The tree was symbolic of shade and peace.

Fair and rituals and go-cart left trace,
young urchins danced around a cellarage,
for many, tree gave asylum by noose.

Yet, Time had its own yardstick a menace,
there grew among the good and bad, cleavage,
The tree was symbolic of shade and peace.

Many a wicked men had a grimace,
to twist men, matter to their advantage,
for many, tree gave asylum by noose.

Yet, the finale probated its own pace,
to dump the criminals in a garbage,
The tree was symbolic of shade and peace,
For many, tree gave asylum by noose.

(25) The humble fan

(25) The humble fan
The winged fan cannot fly,
nor can it cumbersome roads ply,
the fan on the roof selflessly rotates,
to disperse the dust and to collect pieces
of the cobweb on its axis,
be it a pan or potter or copper vessel,
it matters a little, very little,
cooling the hot and removing sweat,
bends before the forcible breeze of threat:
The fan admits, " I am undone if the
coil or power fails,
oh! Breeze, you are free to force
and never cease to exercise.”
The BREEZE replies, “ but my moments are restricted.
at times ruthlessly abrogated,
I am dispelled during winter,
but you are much sought after,
windows are forcibly shut, doors are closed,
My presence is mercilessly barred,
I move about under various spells of nomenclature,
Breeze, tornado, hurricane and air
but you have one solid label of FAN

( 24) The Red carpet.

(24) The red carpet
The red carpet on the shining mosaic floor,
overpowers my dull eyes,
the dazzling variety of designs and woven
velvet threads on the edges,
ornamental and flowery as tales,
of romance carved on the ancient urn,
do they convey forgotten folk tales?
or the carpet weaver’s nightlong folk toil,
of agonizing plight or a wailing note,
of visitors seated on the carpet,
during festivals ,occasions significant?
The carpet wails, ” I carry the dust,
as the beautiful rose would thorn,
I carry this glitter and glamour,
I am folded and unfurled as a flag.
I am crushed and trampled upon
I am use d as a domestic servant,
in all pomp and splendour,
in my use I am being abused.
I curse the weaver and the user.”

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

( 23) Completion to conquer.

23) Completion to conquer

In your incomplete state there is completeness,
for the twain lead to further research and fresh inquiry,
like lab technician’s prying looks through the kaleidoscope,
gathering facts from dismembered ,disbanded array to adjustment,
his busy hands reach out to solution,
from insoluble powders and pungent acid,
to static derivations and enviable everlasting equations.
Life attains its full fulcrum when falsehood is falsified,
Truth is forced for a trial, mangled and like a marooned sailor,
faces a miasma of events and faces the diabolic world:
if every body aspires for the luxury of a chariot,
who is to pull the majestic vehicle?
If our suffering gives somebody untold satisfaction,
let us suffer, suffocate and not possibly surrender.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

( 22) Rains! Rains!

( 22) Rains! Rains!
The Plain waters from the sky,
aren’t they , welcome , salient showers from the sky?
unmindful of immeasurable distance,
steady, swift showers to the ground perchance,
as pure as cherubic child divine,
to wet the soil, soiled and mundane,
rain drops travelling a long way,
a pathetic pathless journey,
just as the layers of thread on the loom,
fast rotating with a zoom,
or the heart beat of a dying patient,
the angry mobs’ reaction purblind,
touch the mixed soil of stones,
rugged lumps of clay and sands,
the torrential waters , shapeless,
taking sizable shapes, nonetheless,
a hole, or a pond, pr a pit,
or a plastic bucket or a brass pot,
it is the Ganga, the Yamuna, the Brahmaputra
or river Thames or Niagara?
water holy, distilled for ablutions,
diverted the canals for irrigations,
water used for waste and taste,
How we want it, crave it, during drought!


(21) A Devout Maid.
A thin, tall emaciated twig she is,
jejune of her youthful cheerfulness,
Hunger, poverty, irrevocable dent on her face,
still, she holds duty and sanctity, in an equal face,
would she abrogate conscience for the sake of currency?
nay, a principal steadfast, she holds in good ambience,
she crosses to the other side by careful steps,
on the road of melting tar with equal steps,
for , she holds a sleeping baby in the left arm folded,
a plastic container on her thoughtful head,
nearby a tree barren of leaves, only twigs,
she paces to take rest under the clips,
the pond nearby beckons her, a poor housemaid,
if no water in the pail, she wouldn’t be paid!
she places the baby down, bends to fill the pot,
the gurgling water thrills her anguished heart.

20) War

(20) War
Should we enter into war?
war to counteract the baser instincts?
bloodthirsty instincts of terrorism ,
must we not muster courage to war
with the warring animal instincts?
are we not to mar real warriors
who kill the innocent and ebullient?
Should we not to fight with the
Terriers of terrorism ?
Should we adhere to the adage
‘tooth for tooth, eye for eye’?
or can we give a long rope
under the garb of non-violence?

Bomb shells scattered, innocent victims crushed
like rotten tomatoes, thrown away;
eyes to see the eye-sore of humanity?
Soaked in a pool of blood?
choked by billowing smokes and smithereens?
Victims of masterminded ,hostile hounds
Who strike terrorism ?
Did God give blood only to be split around?
and congealed to be exposed to the air?
did God breathe life into us to be
extinguished untimely and premature?
the question shakes many nations and superpowers?
Peace-loving and serious –minded,
to make is difficult, but to make is easy,
to warp is God’s , but to war is man’s.

Haiku -

1) Haiku- Winter Leaves,

1) Leaves about leave taking,
decadence delineate,
spanking move away

2) Desert lanscape
stones spark un a bashed,
though age less history costs,
unabated share.


Monday, April 19, 2010

( 19) Aridity

(19) Aridity.

It is a bright, blooming full-fledged Friday
for the women folk, for newly-wed and orthodox,
a solemn for the typical INDIAN and sacred,
a chosen ,special day to cleanse the body
and the sanctum sanctorum
to purify bed and bath rooms,
a day for Mediation and Prayer,
a day for oil-bath and offering,
and oily palms greased and dishevelled,
I open the shiny, metallic tap in the bath room,
Soap-nut powder irritate my eyes,
Taps go dry, dry , no water, parched floor,
Metallic tap , vainglorious ,irritates one ,
taps go dry, lumps of red mudflow trough taps,
I give a call of outcry to my daughter
to exhaust water pots from kitchen-storage,
yonder in the streets, dozens of empty pots,
throng roads, roads are blocked, traffic blocked,
I pray God to shower timely showers,
to appease the God of Rains,
I peep through the grilled window,
A prayer to propitiate the God of Rains,
Intuition answers:
As man’s heart is heartened .
So is Nature solidified, dried?
Aridity is justified, doubly justified.


(18) Rumination.
She strays not aimlessly,
but wanders as a sacred cow,
tethered by the master’s hand,
grazes on the fodder, green grass,
of observations, select books and experiences,
a welcome feedback to be nourished,
sits in cosy corner, a lonely spot,
or prostrates before her abode of worship ,
her sanctum sanctorum, as clean as her heart.
Ruminates, chews the cud of by-gone events,
Blood curdling events, unjust motives,
stringent measures, heinous sinful acts,
repercussions of others’ manipulated mischief,
burden of somebody’s shortcomings,
A mild, rumination, she closes eyes, opens eyes,
grinds her teeth, an act of anger,
yonder sees barking dogs, racing hounds,
Pouncing upon each other,
Dogs bark, bark , bark at her too,
she proceeds to browse.

( 17) The needle

(17) The needle

I play the role of seamstress
patching the uneven thread of Lives’ problems,
with the needle of caution and care,
encountering many knots and cuts,
yet, my patient needle does not give in,
forges ahead to knit and knit,
in a corner of measured distance,
knit into many patches and patterns,
unmindful of the needle paving a cut,
needle still negotiates,
The bleeding finger progresses,
negotiates many wound cuts,
Still, I sew, seam,
at one point, my bleeding finger bulges,
shortly arrested of its bleeding,
wanting touch of the same piece of cloth,
Bunches of the same thread, it weaves and patches,
The needle carefully plays hide and seek,
The needle consciously plays hide and seek.

16) When man is adamant ---- and other

(16) When man is adamant............. and other—

1 )When man is adamant and unyielding,
Gods have to be patient and prolonging!

2) Her heart is dry, mother earth erupts,
when she erupts, the sky cries and pours.

3) When the old often craves for amorous youth,
Youth recourses to its primitive rigorous path .

4)When hopes dwindle, friends betray,
Kind angels descend as a corsage.

(15) When man manipulates ----- and other--

( 15) When man manipulates ----- and other
1 ) When man manipulates all forms of atrocities,
Gods have to map for a slow ring of finality,

2)Words are words, applied appropriately,
words become swords, abused disproportionately,

3) I sleep not the precious Time,
She sticks to the pernicious mime .

4) She is devoured by animal instincts,
I am deeply immersed in devout trends.

(14) Nothing, nothing

(14) Nothing, nothing

“ Any news, anything?” I queried,
“ nothing, nothing,” my colleague replied,
“ nothing?”
“ nothing?”
“ really nothing?”
“at least something?”
“ absolute nothing,”
Yet so much proceed out of nothing,
many things out of something,
just as the omnipotent’s vast master plan,
to mould Creation, project propagation,
as cosmos out of chaos,
out of nothing many things ,
some effortless, many after much scrutiny,
like the seamstress ‘ painful efforts
to unknot the knots,
despite her failing sight,
just as the doctor’s efforts
to dry salvage,
the pained, wounded,
to clear the wound-cut,
many things out of nothing,
more things out of nothing.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

( 13) Everything is a question of Time

(13) A question of Time

From Creation, everything is a Question of Time,
our living interspersed between BIRTH and Death,
suffering and ennui, destruction and death,
devastation and annihilation
Everything is a question of Time.

Fame and physical loss,
Life and losing game ,
Living and dying into Life,
Human dilemma, dilettante pleasure,
Everything is a Question of Time.

God’s Grace and Timely succour,
the changing seasons and Challenging Tasks,
toddling kids criming into adulthood,
Realization and reaping the fruits of sin and celestial,

Falling a trap into mincing matter and mundane miasma,
failing the exams and fleeing problems,
Yet shining with flying colours,
Clock-stopping, alarm raising no alarm.
Everything is a Question of Time.

There is no Time to think of these oddities,
and well before that you are caught unawares,
into the quagmire of this Timelessness of Time,
but being patient and prying to God
is utterly beyond the ambit of Time.

( 12) Many faces of a rope

(12) Many faces of a rope.
The twisted rope of rough fibre
takes many twists and turns,
the same rough coir takes roles,
swiftly rolls on the pulley of the well,
now a binding tether in the cowshed,
tether of immeasurable length,
often a much sought after noose
for a dowry case, or a convenient close
for a dejected love-pair;
in many household a stiff cloth - hanger
at times a slender ,mini thread
serves for skipping too;
In a nearby playground young challengers
go on rope-walking, a see-saw medley,
Rope tests, even teases as young lovers would,
Pretty pair of boys and girls prefer to go
On rope walk than repose nearby park,
A young promising boy trips,
steadily moves forward,
hopefully with a hope to handle the rope,
How often I have taken the road to playground?
how often the young urchins have killed rattlesnakes?
The very same I have mistaken to be a series of Ropes,
YET, the real hope will not dupe.

(11) The Mirror

(11) The Mirror.
The German mirror in my bathroom
reflects the ash marble floor,
just in front of the bedroom
coffee stain, the fuzzy layer,
the brown colour, the dust-bin,
the double-cot, with a clean blanket,
and a pair of pillows,
the majestic split air-conditioner,
the all pervading hypothermia,
I could feel these, I could see
the reflection in the mirror,
I could feel the exotic fragrance
Of lavender,
I could also view reflection of
my grandson, a toddler of ten months,
a replica of its child-like imprint and innocence.
When I washed my wrinkled face,
Mirror, my friend , made a mockery
in good earnest,
“ you are not what appear to be,
learn from me to be frank and free.”

Saturday, April 17, 2010

10 Washing

( 10) Washing
The kitchen sink , the broad
ever silver shining kitchen sink
a variety of utensils with odorous stink ,
compels me to go and wash,
and remove all piled up trash,
my delicate palm, touches
the layers of gossamer,
on the porcelain and china ware
spin s to wash , to rewash to
restore the shiny look,
yet, a porcelain cup slips
and breaks into pieces,
I apply my dish wash scrub
into the bowl of liquid cleaner,
The fuzzy layer releases in slow jerks,
I could imbibe the hypothermia
of the pitiable ones.
What could I do to wash the sins
of man adamant ,detriment?


09 Auditorium

It was not the dance that thrilled,
not the melody of the music that captured my heart,
not even the rhythm, that shook my moods,
it was neither the jingling anklet that,
reverberated the ambivalent audience,
nor the resplendent auditorium with the
orchestral symphony,
not those captivating facial gestures
of the young dancer pacing with nimble feet,
it was the centre which was cute and good,
the white coloured banner in the centre,
with the embossed Ganesha -the remover of obstacles
that enthralled me!
back home, I cherish not the music of the singer,
but the silent rhapsody of the banner,
The salient assurance of the ruling God of auditorium,
who appears in my dream, who assuages my anguished mind,
The Hindu God, Ganesha, always rules me.


08 Book
What is a printed matter?
What is a printed matter, simply a book?
in bound volume or paperback?
a transient transcript or a permanent record?
a deliberate transfer of emotions or angry sentiments?
A potpourri of ideas?
outpourings of suppressed emotions,
A safe place to invest your vested interests,
A syllogism of many misgivings,
A symbol of your loved life ,
Universal approbation,
A novel piece of information,
Or an advertisement for killer instinct,
A perennial asylum for poets,
writers, scholars, and thinkers,
for them an outlet of anger,
an outburst of pent –up cogitations,
who knows, it might even be encomium
on the beloved and respected,
A dedication to Avatars or to Godhead!
A trash or treasure to decide.

ON the significance of my PRAYER

07 On the significance of my Prayer.

I pray not merely for the ailing and handicapped,
my prayers are not for the suppressed alone,
I pray not only for those who fall a prey for
Ambition and Avarice, abominable ego and falsehood,
I pray not simply for those drought -affected and
Tremor—afflicted, I seek His care not merely for those
uncared widows ,families torn asunder by
sinister sisters-in law,
My apologies and prayers not only

for those sinners and selfish ribalds,
I pray,ympathise not merely for those aborted flesh,
I pray not exclusively for those unborn stifled and strangled,
I crave safety not merely for those test –tube babies,
not for the sake of marooned passengers,
I pray not solely for the souls of victims of air-crash,
I offer my primary prayers to God with Gratitude,
to BLESS me with renewed Faith,
Total, double total surrender and Love to Him,

(06) I adore the Blue sky.

(6) I adore the Blue sky.

Sky pours not the waters of rain,
but Mercy, bounteous, superfluous and timely,
filling the mud-baked ,numinous pots,
of different shapes and sizes,
much sought after by angry house-wives,eager children
duty-bound daughters-in-law and duty free maid-servants.

Sky pours not the waters of the rain,
On the drought-stricken earth,
giving way to swallow and plunder,
the sane and the sickly:

I delight in the welcome showers of May,
Playing a mighty role,
my feet getting drenched,
easing my heavy heart,

As would a melody of a flute
Soothe the convalescing.

I adore the Blue, Blue and blue sky,
Blue restored after bouts of
Moving clouds, after wetting the dry soil,
The Benign Blue, blesses,
Blesses my life with sanguine hue!

(05) I walk along the moving sky.

(05) I walk along the moving sky.

Just as exuberant playful boys would,
my curious brown eyes upward,
I walk along the moving sky,
white bunches of slow moving clouds,
clouds like layers of puffs,
bubbling with bunches of ice-cream ,
I walk along the moving sky,
with an air of immobile mud- horse,
moving into mobility,
vie with the steady azure sky,
nearby in a hut, I see a band of players,
steady movement at the play house,
I walk along only to realize,
it is a point beyond destination,
I recollect the players in different costumes,
multi-coloured caps , the band sounds on and on on,
with the measured beat and the meaningful rhythm.
a reminder of one’s rejuvenation and restricted role,
the young don serious parts,
yet, the old become to practise insecure, roving ribaldry.

Friday, April 16, 2010

(04 )Power of Blood

(04) Power of blood

The juvenile youth lies flat,
on the traffic -laden road,
with the acoustics-like automobiles throng,
vie with the load and road rules,
of uncaring ,hurriedly crossing passengers,
more often than not bypassing road-rules,
anguish writ large on tense passengers,
yet with full bubbling animation,
pushing ahead with a sense of artificial automation.
The youth just dead, lies uncared for,
just as the rash driver of the water-tanker,
has deserted the spot,
the last breadth has deserted him,
Blood sprawled ,drops of blood congealed,
hitherto the very same blood, classified,
precious and preserved in bottles,
much sought after during emergency and operation,
now totally branded as negative:
when alive even relatives are knit
with blood Relationships,
once, the blood is congealed, the
very same relationships often flees
the spot for ever.

(03)Literary symbiosis

( 03) Literary Symbiosis

When I avidly read Shakespeare, recited Chaucer,
Sitting in my tiny room in a cosy corner,
I was prone to read more and more of Classics,
delighted ,delving deep into the literary symbiosis,
I repeated the numbers of Keats, Byron, Shelley and
Wordsworth, quoted Jane Austen and Scott and Dickens,
wondered if it was really worth to exist,
in this world devoid of any worth:
Pope as usual was stringent and sarcastic,
allowing Swift to fly adamant, autocratic,
if Auden augmented on degeneracy,
Ezra Pound and Eliot elongated on delinquency,
Lawrence one day lectured on mother-son love,
when humanity is devoid of basic love,
I hurriedly came out of my room,
drawn, distracted by the noisy Zoom,
witnessed arson and looting in a boom,
street-brawl and dowry-death.
introspected why on earth,
I was born to suffer this trash?


( 02) Protection
When I churn my patient life of devotion,
with the meaningful churning rod of dedication,
in the midst of stress and strife,
without flouting the DHARMIC norms of stipulation,
what gathered is full cream of protection,
by The Almighty God to my full satisfaction.

Town -plan

( 01) Town-plan
My mind’s wary eye glances by leaps and bounds,
to figure out an utopian city of gargantuan proportions,
I ply through the broad thorough fare,
on a broad daylight where no citizen, van with care
no common and highway man would,
dare plunder the people of various march,
the afflicted and the affluent,
destitute and the despicable, tardy and tout,
yonder a mirage of manipulating carves and glitters,
lure me away from my zigzag circles,
nearby a blind lad being led by another blind,
blighted by sighs and sounds of different kind,
attributing their birth and lot,
to their mysterious fate,
of slow metabolism and somnambulism,
with alternating taps of tailor-made rhythm,
vehicles and motorists spotlight on the sightless,
with no personal care,none the less,
my vision of Utopian city shattered,
as would a town plan by corrupt official scattered.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The meaning of Life

The meaning of LIFE.

The meaning of Life
is to know the meaning lessens,
or absurdity of human
condition, just as to
perceive the groundnuts ,
beneath the tegument
of hard ,rugged bones.

The meaning of Life
is to sever the rust of
Meaningless brass,
to undo the spoilt clay ,
to crush it into pieces,
lest some should figure
it into an uncouth pot.

He , the Supreme Ruler
Wields the Magic wand,
Proliferates one common
Meaning to His beings.
The ruled ones form their
own devised meanings,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Identity how?

Her mackintosh shivers,
outside cold is annoying,
seated on the mahogany chair
in the cafeteria,
she sobs and sips coffee .
Hot puffs of smoke, as if
transparent, wavy livery
of a dancing girl release out,
she has the signed copy of
‘ Serpent and the Rope ‘ ,
Her soldier’s copy, love is
Still there, love still craves,
Yet, the soldier has not returned.
Turning the pages of the book,
She realizes life is Maya ,
Intractable illusion,
She revels in her identity,
There is another ,choking.
Her grief, for the lost love,
Love, her love is knocked off
by a bartender,
she twirls her pearl ring,
a gift of remembrance .
a willow tune comes from afar,
A similar identity.

If God were to descend........

If God were to descend .....

If God were to descend
in this world mundane,
troubled and torn to
cadaverous morbidity,
to grant me a Boon,

I would beseech first
grant me the boon
in a mirror of perception
to know and be aware,
of numerous decadent

cankerous evils, seemingly good,
then to ask for solutions,
in dire consequences,
true, the great Bard prophesied
in a statement not falsified,

“ Bliss was in that dawn to be alive”,
but it is a curse to be born
in these accursed times,
Not betimes but By MY TIMES FOR EVER.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Morning Walk

Morning Walk
These days summer showers
are a luxury, as lottery to penury,
As I set to have a morning walk,
in the cool summer morn,
walk , morning walk
has to precede your work
in the workshop of the day’s schedule,
Crows and doves peep out of
their self improvised nests ,
Cows are still tethered
in their yards ,
Those innate melody in the
early hours In chirping tunes ,
a Waking Bliss for most of us,
When the spiralling warmth of the sun
touching me ,you and the surrounding
Us ,your spirits warm up, you feel,
for the rest of your Life.
E very step of your walk,
The Soul taps you with
The unanswered question,
A brisk walk for the body,
What is for the Soul?

Monday, April 12, 2010

We ought to see

We ought to see with clarity,
with open eyes, without disparity,
we must ruminate ,assess and admit,
it is bad and cruel curse to be blind ,
it is worse to be blind to realities,
with a vision closed , willingly stifled,
believing the disbelief, disbelieving
The grounded reality,
We ought to see, see.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Grapple the day with a Will Power,
grip it with a vow not to surrender ,
come whatever may to stagger you
yield not even it bothers you .

A Cherished will to overpower consumption
like adversity caught in the grid of presumption,
animosity, jealousy and perpetual vituperation,
undaunted Will not to be swayed by botheration

ye! Blooming trees , wither not, fade not,
ye! Blossoming flowers, fall not,
smile in the web of freshness
with a fragrance of perfumed mildness.

Seize the day with a message of peace,
Passion for writing, passion for diligence,
Message of Massacre of macabre,
Seize the day with the message of Peace

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fresh air

Fresh air
Oh! Fresh air ,
Sweep us gently, as if in a lullaby,
Sing and serenade,
wipe our sweat,
Keep us tout ,
though we twitter
You don’t think of letting out for rent
Your free air, you don’t bargain,
nor are you mercenary
in your dealings,
You don’t mind the space
you pervade ,wade,
have uninterrupted free play,
mystery is your origin
fritter and twitter
in this thankless world.

Friday, April 09, 2010

This Life

This Life.
In a Hamletian Dilemma
of To be or not to be,
before you dilate upon
what this Life is, where it
leads you, or misleads you,

the civilization with the ghastly
garb of technology veering
round you into a snare,
concords, cornucopia of fleet,
the distance between the ground

the air, could distance you
to a land of unreachable destination,
blink and wink, the camera
takes you nowhere,
accidents and blood streams

man scratching his
cerebellum into activities
of sin syndrome,
Macavity Cat does not mew.
Why this Life?

why this Birth?

Oranges and Apples

What are those oranges and apples!
the hues and juice
to tempt , to tantalise,
what do they matter to those
destitutes, the rag pickers,
the platform dwellers,
the colour of their life
is their karma,
yet they don this
colourless tattered patches,
uniform for their appendage;
when karma teases, bugs,
their relished juice is their
porridge of ration rice,
yonder, I see a woman ,
heavy on her head is a
basket full of oranges , apples,
to be sold, not to suffice
her flat bellied hunger.
Her life is colourless.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

The correlation of sex and flesh and blood,
where love hate relationship prevails,
looks, gifts, repartees and clandestine meetings,
when involved pairs live in the euphoria,
looks are magic charm,
most important , lasting for ever,
not hearts and souls,
more and more are growing number like this,
money and matter a dice in their hands,
a centrifugal attitude distracting them
destroying peace and decorum .
Barring this, relationships are looming ,
divergent relationship outside,
when you step out how
much of confrontation in your dealings,
with friends, acquaintances, some to be
with you, more to let you down,
no surprise, these are the days,
our own blood rebels, revels in
estranged relationships.
Relationships are partnerships
run with the current of deep waters
not transparency,

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Summer is so intense:
I wring my cotton shirt
into vessels of water, after
squeezing into multi layers of
folds, beyond description.
Summer is so intense:
Summer specials commute
from destinations numberless,
anticipation of vacation for
children a special expectation,
a most welcome gap,
what is special for those
farmers , sturdy only with a
sustained Willpower,
their back carrying loads of
gunny bags, recently harvested,
minus their toil, our lives would
have entangled in embittered starvation,
a cool sip of butter milk
from thick glass jar ,
for many , thirsty
a timely ease and comfort.
Nothing special in summer,
You bask with a wish
Trees, plants and birds,
That Spring’s blossoming Love
Be proceed with Summer’s heat, tout.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


God the Supreme breathes
Life into His malleable and the crotchety,
making them pull on, till His set plan
fructifies. Nearby in the park, I see kids
swayed by jubilation and mood of play,
kids blow colourful balloons, rather breathe
air into light balloons blowing high in the sky,
rivet and roll , from the ground control,
till, the end, the distanced journey
pushes into a whimper,
what is that rustling nearby my head ,
what is the not mildewed noise,
BREATH infused thin paper kites,

by those urchins in summer ,
There is vibrant breath in their
Clap-trap and merriment.
IF Breathing is not in the
wooded forests, how can their be
Melody and music in the air?
If His visionary Breathing stops,
Humanity comes to a standstill.

Monday, April 05, 2010


We,multiply, make mistakes,
as weasels obtrusive ,
make a remake of mistakes,
abjure the idea of rectification ,
make mistakes of building
castles amidst bituminous lava,
mistake of uploading heavy
Cartload of home work ,
on unmistaken tender kids,
mistake of infusing fear of
Corporal punishment beyond
human consideration,
off springs springing from
careless mistakes,
mistakes hesitate to leave us
for they have made penchant
vow not to forsake us.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

I see the real

I see the real

Sitting in front of the mini T.V.
peel the just uprooted ,fresh
green leaves for the much awaited,
The tomorrow’s menu in the kitchen,
I watch the mega serial ,
actors with costumes, glitter
on the face, passion in their lips,
anger in their articulate words,
rants and cants , glycerine and tears
moving as much in realistic terms,
I become immersed in their show,
I am not drawn by the blow of
whistle , in the pressure cooker,
yet, I am not angry with the villain,
nor the jail warden, nor the
run away marriage,
Behind the curtain, there
is treachery, villainy
in basking smiles,
salacious looks, in around us.

Friday, April 02, 2010


Brewing hot water,
I see the boiling bubbles
in the silver vessel
in the morning for the
hurried coffee decoction ,
for sprightly pep up,
bubbles are meagre
significance then,

now holiday mood,
children see no better ways
to spend time in
blow the bubble game,
the flying colourful bubbles
vanish unassuming.
Life is merry-go-round
for them, bubbles
are play things.

Many flooded streets,
much flowing inundations,
unfailing rainy seasons,
paper boats and frogs,
bubbles , bubbles and ,
I view those broken bubbles
Life is like the same,
how they project in different ambience.

What goes before me?

What goes before me?

In the wake of dusk, when
the ambered Sun goes down westward
after the day’s default journey,
when the cowherd drives home
the cattle back from the grazing spot,
in the dim evening ,
when I set out for a walk,
What goes before me? What follows me,
What accompanies me?
It is not Belinda’s lap dog,
nor it is Cerberus the three-headed dog,
It is not the white puppy with its
wagging tail with thick spongy fur,
it is the Avatar’s incognito
symbol, His pet to protect me.
that goes before me.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

The potter's wheel

The potter’s wheel

It is blazing hot,
the potter’s wheel
comes to a halt,
it is my ancestral profession,
I cannot abrogate,
in the break I shape the wet
lumps of clay into many forms,
I shape many a religious idols,
a Lord Shiva, Ganesha, Vishnu,
God in dancing postures,
The busy road , projects a
walker, jay walker, talker,
usurer, a commuter without :
paying a penalty of rupees
fifty for fifty paisa default ticket,
a public kiss, hug, a derelict husband,
argumentative criminal, understandingly
good inspector, who believes in reasoning,
prolonged atheism,ungodly deeds?
A Dire reflection of the age;

I set the potter’s wheel again,
Oh! God, why are you dumb?
What is the meaning of your reticence?
Why this abysmal cataclysm?
A universal voice of clairvoyance
as if from my clay gods:
we need a base for
these entities for next JANMA
or creation.
Their birth or JANMA is their KARMA.