Monday, April 19, 2010


(18) Rumination.
She strays not aimlessly,
but wanders as a sacred cow,
tethered by the master’s hand,
grazes on the fodder, green grass,
of observations, select books and experiences,
a welcome feedback to be nourished,
sits in cosy corner, a lonely spot,
or prostrates before her abode of worship ,
her sanctum sanctorum, as clean as her heart.
Ruminates, chews the cud of by-gone events,
Blood curdling events, unjust motives,
stringent measures, heinous sinful acts,
repercussions of others’ manipulated mischief,
burden of somebody’s shortcomings,
A mild, rumination, she closes eyes, opens eyes,
grinds her teeth, an act of anger,
yonder sees barking dogs, racing hounds,
Pouncing upon each other,
Dogs bark, bark , bark at her too,
she proceeds to browse.

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