Tuesday, April 20, 2010


(21) A Devout Maid.
A thin, tall emaciated twig she is,
jejune of her youthful cheerfulness,
Hunger, poverty, irrevocable dent on her face,
still, she holds duty and sanctity, in an equal face,
would she abrogate conscience for the sake of currency?
nay, a principal steadfast, she holds in good ambience,
she crosses to the other side by careful steps,
on the road of melting tar with equal steps,
for , she holds a sleeping baby in the left arm folded,
a plastic container on her thoughtful head,
nearby a tree barren of leaves, only twigs,
she paces to take rest under the clips,
the pond nearby beckons her, a poor housemaid,
if no water in the pail, she wouldn’t be paid!
she places the baby down, bends to fill the pot,
the gurgling water thrills her anguished heart.

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