Monday, August 29, 2016

Haiku prompt : Sprout

Prompt : Sprout.

dessert   on  table
China  bowl  a  cute baby
 numbers  nimble   by

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Haibun-- Beyond The Grit.

                 Standard  Haibun

               Prose --Preface ---- Title.
         After  a   deadlock of humdrum realities of domestic life,  a  desired, inevitable break, on to pastures,
     to farmland. Flora  and  fauna, offer me   a lot, comforting   in dire  distress.  I am  transported  to a 
     different world of  Nature’s  ambiance  and  therapist  value .On the other hand,  contemplate  this
     decadent world of diminishing   values. Sitting  royally on the grass mound, independent  too, for
    no  intruders there. Painfully ruminate over the departed souls, long lost  and separated  children.
    Far away, a train   speeds past.

          ‘I am  in  the  green  painfully  viewing  sad humanity.’

             Beyond  the  grit.

  Train  trackless   rummages
 tender   wails  silent     Corner  
angst  therein   forayed.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Poignant Recollections By The Inmates Of The House.

Poignant     Recollections   By  The  Inmates  Of  The House.              

It  has been  precious  thirty  years
Since  our  mother  reached  Heavenly   Abode.
 The  ancestral   palatial   house,
 our  home, Resting  on pillars,  as  she
Rested  on  her   Deity, protecting symbol
a monumental   rock of  our  stay.

During  our  yearly regular  visits,
Memory  revitalised  by poignancy,
Concomitant  to our  unfading  moments
Of  life   and strife  and  shift   and  stay.
Rills  of   winding   staircase  echo
A tune of   past ,dipped in melody sad.

Copper  utensils, thin  filmy   soot  on the wall ,
arranged  vessels  and  cupboards,
Coffee  mugs  in multiples,
For all of us rightfully
Demanded  cups  of  coffee
In  the   fresh   morn  and noon.   

A discarded  mobile , crave for use,
Picked   and  cared  by  her, amidst  books
and publications ; messages   and   numbers
 in languished state. Verses   and   worshipful
Muses, her  language   Life’s immediacy.
Her  voices, vision, her recordation
All  her language, we still speak  and  voice.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Blank page.

 The  blank  page.

Hitherto it  is   a lengthy  Blank page,
A    brave  voyage  through   every  crucial   stage,

Viewing  ups   and  downs  a  committed  necessity,
Without    diluting  static  bound   veracity.

Brahma   writes our set   Karma,
Our  fate,  we question  Brahma and  Dharma.

He  should  Descend  to  undo our misgivings.
 Only  way  to redress  our   diapered  feelings.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

In the uncanny void

                In  the uncanny  void         
 In   the uncanny void, there is copious renewal,
 in the throbbing fullness, there  is  some denial.
 In  the  cup   marmalade,  a  speck of sourness,
  In the rigid  jelly, there is   hardened  sweetness.

Quite   a  many believe in the white  crow on  sky.
Chase already  the  black on the    hop skip  fly.
Void  is  no longer  a   void,  but    flip to preamble
To   a   bank of   nets   and  rods in profitable   gamble.  

Friday, August 19, 2016

What is silencing me

                           What  is  silencing  me
                  I   beached into  the   oceanic  sandy  rims,
                  Roars  sketching    the High and Mighty,
                  Origin of  Creation’s  rollingly  vociferous
                  Yet pushing  us  into   Thundering  Silence.
                  Silence  within, amidst  agitation  and  cogitation.    
                  Sun  and   Moon  and   sky  and   Stars,
                  Ageless  aeons of space   and serenity.
                  Those  roars  are not  roars, but
                  Therapy of miracles  silencing 
                 Your  ache  and   pained  sores
                 Wound cuts of  hearts, day in and
                 day out, witness  silently into
                 atrocities .  As rolling  goes on
               allowing  things  go by. All
               movable  merging into immovable
               one  for  all . Somewhere  far off,
              a  cat comfortably  moves,
               as  if Trinity is by its side.
               Silencing  takes possession
               Of   being within.


Friday, August 12, 2016

 Ifs  But  Not  Buts

If  blue  azure  and  rain bearing  clouds
Failed to protect up fronting lands,
Parched  fields, craving  cattle,
If  starry nights  suddenly shifted
Into   gloom  and  paled into  dark,
What  would  roaming  humanity
do  distressed   in night  to  run 
after safety, lurk into refuge.

If  mighty roars  of  seas,
From  ages been roaring,
Roaring   abominably
To the skies, deafening 
Us  all  around,
Failed  to  calm  the
Questioning   inhuman,
Mad  as  we are  all.

If  soothing  lullaby
did not  reach the weeping
in the cloth cradle,
if  words  of wisdom
and letters  of  prediction,
and  voices of  clairvoyance
failed  to  reach  the  mass,
in  day to day  battle,

where would be the lovers
and  common  lives  and
dictates   of suffering ?
where is  the question of 
romance  and  romping?

Monday, August 08, 2016

Gods are bewildered

Gods   are  bewildered

They  are  the    wary  sentry
On the burning  mound,
Night  and  day  on
The  patrol,  for  the
Dismembered  bodies.

Behind the burnt, burning  embers, 
Some  things  stare up,
Could  be, their angst  for
Avowed  revival  or renewal
For prolonged entity.

The  departed  are in the
Hot  lounge,  for  embarkation,
Again  to  their  accustomed ports.
A  mad  desire  to  live   again,
Don’t  count  their  sins, shortcomings.

From   afar, Gods are bewildered 
Wondering where to  fix them,
How  to  fix them, how  long 
Will it  take  for  Gods to  fix  them.
We  too  are bewildered .

Saturday, August 06, 2016

You Lizard --- like ( A dig at the cheating, businesslike and scam,human)

You  Lizard --- like ( A dig  at  the cheating, businesslike  and scam,human)

  You  are  inhuman, robed in human
apparel  of  convincing  move
 of  sophisticated  look, of
integrity   and amassing  coinage.
As  fast,  wary in catching  its  calculated
prey, on  the floor, hide  and  seek
You  don’t  fascinate  but detract
With  your  sly eyes. Your  game is
A loyalty besmeared  and  suppressed.
A  foreigner in your own company,
You  can merge  with  the  appalling 
Dark   and  still  do  business  with
Your uncanny  pals. Appear 
and  disappear with  swift  move .
we   have  to live  with you.