Saturday, January 25, 2014

Not A Moron but A SIREN.

    Not  A   Moron but  A  SIREN.

 Not on the  Win  of war, but a wail
 on the   senseless killings,
 of painful   shouts and  wounded   screams .

 Not  a luminous   Glory,
 nor  a  Thumbing  Victory,
Nor a successful  pact of  treaty,

Endless volley of thunderstorm
Cannon on their Left,
Cannon on their Right,
A   common  ring of  Banality,

Undaunted  were those ignited
Into the hellish schemes of war,
Into the jaws of Death,
Not  cared to be in
 the throes of Death.

For, Certitude, someone had blundered,
Them, right thinking  hindered.
Honour lies in gunshot,
Honour lies not retreat,
How  to ingrain sanity
In them is out of clarity.

Friday, January 24, 2014

It is eerie/scary.

        It is eerie/scary.
Ropes  are no longer ropes,
 Spiralling  Algae  like,   
This thread of Yuga Dharma
Kali Yuga Dharma, its  features,
Its  knots, in  a  method of  fawn
tightening  my  neck, loose
 rope  hankering  around me.
Stare  at one  thing, think of
many  a bugging  moil.                 
Your  seasoned chair,
With  a look of  clairvoyance
Muses  at  the  happenings.

Kali  yuga  stands  for Dark Age, or times in which topsy turvy 

happenings take place. More so ,in the mindset of the  people,
with Agnsotic faith.

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Take or remake on Milton's On His Blindness.

A Take or remake on Milton’s On His Blindness.
( But not in the form of a sonnet.

When   I consider how my life is spent
In  full ignorance / connivance,          
In this dark world and wide  of
 Negation  and  sins  and  agnostic faith,
 And that one talent ( of creativity)
Lodged with me useless, slow
Though  my Soul  more inclined
To  serve my   Mentor,/ Maker,
I  fondly, unthinkingly  ask.
Does  God  deprive me of
His Gifts, if I don’t  acknowledge
His   Bounteous Grace. But  to
Prevent  this  hasty question,
Inward alertness, agility,
Replies,  ‘’ God   will not bemuse you,
nor forsake you.  There are innumerable
Struggling like you voiceless   and patient.
They  also serve who only chant, stand, wait.’’


Friday, January 17, 2014

If You See Me Lost In Wilderness.

If you see me lost in Wilderness.

If you  see me lost in wilderness,
Stumble upon, stubbles, thimbles,
Blood oozing on my cuticles,
The prick is less piercing, for
The  neglected greenery  voice
In   husky nod, ‘care to redeem
Us from extinct vile.’ The deer
and   antelope  dare  not
run  fast  on the marooned
bunches of dried leaves,
for starvation  half killed  them.
 Once upon a  time cool pond,
Now craves for the sky benevolent,
Flowers   don’t   have a carnival
For the  stem cells   were dead   long.
Birds migrate to a different   band.
I don’t go back to urban colony,
But  move to nurture,
 ancient rural,Agricultural   tillage

Otherness of the foetus.

Otherness of  the foetus.

Full  many a   six month  I was in  your womb,
My  hand folded, straight I sat, aplomb,
Cosy, the  blissful world would welcome me
With  affection and assured  protection:
 My parts were  tenderly, grown,
like a  blossoming Rose,
Skin was no skin, but a sponge.
Ere, woman ,how could you
wish hastily,  to rip me apart?
Is it penury or bland Sophistication
 that  Induced you for the
Crude negation? The  hard
Metallic  plonk put me
In  a tray, to be thrown
In  a    trash.  I  was  swept
aside by the sweeper.
Time passed on.
As shaping, reshaping
Is  His  document ,
God  took pity on my
Predicament, breathed
Life, I am breathing
In  some benign, matured,
Mother’s  cosy ,kind womb.
Walls of protection
Throb with Breath. Breath.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Be by yourself,your writing.

Be by  yourself, your  writing.

It is   biting cold, abominably cold,
Chill   creeps into your shrunken
Skin, hanging flesh. It creeps,
For the flesh is loose ,the wrinkles
Give  way helplessly.You fall on your
Flat bed, mind  sails  for   writing,
Though   the  body  is  already
For another  realm   of sleep,
You pull   off  the rug,
Fir  leaves   yonder still  show       
  affinity  to the tree, in winter .
 Tree’s   inherent Nature
to  hold  them steadfast.
Cold  in the silent  space
Booms  large, akin  to  the
ambulance siren. There is
another  cold  tapping in
the  coffin ,the  ICU darkened
by  white sheets. My quirky
pen  outwits  the cold,
and goes  on.              


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Want Not The Glasses

           Want  Not  The  Glasses.

What   violets or myrtles,
with scented  rose  and colours
Purple  and  make us  purblind!
Oh! Bast, Goddess  of  Protection,
 Daughter of  sun God, Your  attention.
 Never  know  the Heart
Where  Roses linger not.
What  tackled vine
and  brewed  beer
can  give,  when purse
is  null,  Bun  is  Biscuit.
Rue  not  to transport  to
A world of  Sacred  peace 
and   Serenity Divine.

Friday, January 10, 2014

You sail steady.

      You   sail steady.
I wear the tegument
Of crustaceous  stint,
Shell   strong and steady,
Sailing   the  Blue 
Roughing  the  rough:
Dolphins and whales            
Skim  around ,customised.
The Blue, roars, rolls,
A cathartic ,incumbent
On your  ordeal.

Ever on your Karma.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Nonsense droppings.

Nonsense droppings

  A  jumper  I wore,
 for  I was going to   London.
Many mocked at my
London  Calling,
Still I heeded to that  Calling.
I double checked all my
Rooms and locked,
For  an established rumour
Ran,  Gold was gushing
Out of every Godrej
and   ornaments were
popping out of  cupboards.  
My eyes  count but
Synthetic   saris and silk woven
hanging  on the dresser.
I was going to  London,
For London was calling,
Calling and  ask not
How, how, now.
I came to the balcony
to close the doors,
Again double check
Lest any thief should
Plunder away all my gold.
How  strange! Some droppings
On my jerkin, from the crow
above, bad  omen?
No, no, it is a  good augury,
Droppings only on my
Jumper, not  my plan.