Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Be by yourself,your writing.

Be by  yourself, your  writing.

It is   biting cold, abominably cold,
Chill   creeps into your shrunken
Skin, hanging flesh. It creeps,
For the flesh is loose ,the wrinkles
Give  way helplessly.You fall on your
Flat bed, mind  sails  for   writing,
Though   the  body  is  already
For another  realm   of sleep,
You pull   off  the rug,
Fir  leaves   yonder still  show       
  affinity  to the tree, in winter .
 Tree’s   inherent Nature
to  hold  them steadfast.
Cold  in the silent  space
Booms  large, akin  to  the
ambulance siren. There is
another  cold  tapping in
the  coffin ,the  ICU darkened
by  white sheets. My quirky
pen  outwits  the cold,
and goes  on.              


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