Sunday, December 30, 2018

After Guardian- At the back of the head

After Guardian-  At the back of the head

At the back of your head
Don’t surmise only black curls
 dominating over,  beyond  these
a kingdom from whence you see
a galaxy of stars, a world of unknown
region where most of us merge
after some time; don’t ask if we can
speak or see  or visualize future
from there,  a mysterious horizon.

I don’t see you or your eyes,
Your mouth or complexion,
But only the mystery of this
Galaxy, stars and moon, flow
Of rivers  and falls on mountains;
Nature’s  Beauty and  Marvel,
Creator’s magic wand and flute
Silencing our earth;

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Time's ringtone

Time’s ringtone

 Like a  wary watchman, Time waits
 without  compromising his own sense of Time;
 Time is the healer,time is the tester,
 a good recordation in our diary
  carrying us through  hazards and
   secrets of success every minute.
   in all our steps and  serendipity,
  Young or senile, time like a  creeper
 coils round  like ringlets to shine on
 furthering  our beauty and glow
 or with a  different coloring  shade
 on our  aging process.
 Whether be setting   Sun  or falling leaves
In the autumnal parade, or Spring’s moods
jubilant and serenading, Time’s flavor
always runs in, ringtone ever singing.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

nothing happens

Guardian’s Event

Nothing is happening,
In this ever happening,
Eventful  creation;
toad croaks, water drops,
gossamer faint glimmers all
around the earth and you
tread slowly in all panic;
nothing happens.
Sunsets and rising on the
Eastern horizon, how do
The orange embers disappear
And  appear, nothing happens still.

Where  is the unused space here?
So much of inhabitation, so little space ;
Birds and buds blossoming still,
I see  a void still, nothing  happens.
In the stillness of humanity, I see
So much  is to happen,yet nothing happens.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Tree’s pride and plight

Tree’s  pride and  plight

Interspersed with my
Thick green foliage,
a swarm of bees and  berries,
day’s call and copious  buzz.

At noon, a surreptitious    caterpillar
pair with the  pained bloom,
not shedding but sharing with the
clustered clan ever accommodating.

At dawn, crows black princed,
covey of parrots with green livery
Pride with the parentage,
their wings a  see saw fritter ever,

until a thud of wind sweep and
dogs bark gathering all shiver
my kith and kin of neighborhood
silenced into  shrunken chamber.

I wait for Spring’s advent
to reshape my defunct call
can I see again my broad spectrum?
Under which many umbrellas  figure in.


Saturday, December 08, 2018

Poem of the week: Sonnet – September 1922 by Ivor Gurney

He is divinely unique;
He does not get annoyed  or upset
if he is infuriated or hurt beyond limit;
because he is a thinking person
taking everything in the right spirit.
Water and fun, sunrise and sunset
don’t clamor ill will or rancour

we may not be a toad, or sly cat,
need not be a ferocious lion, neither
tardy nor haste in our midst,
but practice the pristine calm
of control and  cool unless pushed
to  the extreme. Be a butterfly in the
 twisting world, spinning around;

we keep spinning around the earth,
as it spins round day  and night,
our anger and  ill will have their
moments of success  and  defeats.

Friday, November 30, 2018


After   Guardian  (  Moon)        

Ye! Moon, much adored
by committed poets and wise
astrologers ! where did you go
into hiding? Sadly we all miss you.
When you come back in full forum
Of dignity and bright cheers, it is all
A boon for us. From my storied balcony,
You boom like a pot of Luck.

The mid sea reflection of yours
In sail and song steered by prolonged
Journey is a serene  beyond question.
No, you are not a trolley; smiley,
cool and how often favoring lovers
and  birds and travelers !
On earth, a supermarket trolley,
Moon,  you don’t care ;

There  a child claps stuffing
Evening  cake  in your mouth!


my inn

I retire from pomp and show,
din and bustle, retire to homely inn
of simple and low cot.

what are  mansions but show
where flamboyant wavy pet
your drinks and moods.

In this small inn, freedom
with free play, bright sun
to cheer up  with   champagne .

life of simplicity, abrogation of
falsehood and  grin and glamour,
I wear as armour in this inn.

Here is my peace and calm,
Here is my serene and yearn
to weave a carpet of my own.

After a full round of life,
The end of journey beckons
A New Beginning in the inn,

Saturday, November 17, 2018



 I have so much to write,
 longer than ten novels immediate,
 more and more of themes and takes,
my small head cannot take as much,
though headache sporadic resting
upon my  forehead and  veins,
yet  a commitment like that of
God’s   Boon and  Assured Protection.

Under the sticky fog and smog,
always a  face-mask and  air -purifier,
noisy air pollution and traffic
unavoidable, pouring out  themes
and  thoughts ,colorless shapes in
heaps and  boundary less . pray for
a new  Science  be born to save these
 “breathing and coughing and dying
 too soon”.

Here for me, no love, neither love lost,
But  a  yearning passion to save these
Trodden by  penury and drudgery .

Saturday, November 10, 2018

After Guardian( Green Boughs)

   After  Guardian  ( Green Boughs)

My young friends  are dead,
My beloved old generation,
my  bosom pals, strong pillars,
shoulders  right in earnest
moments of grief and  glue,
dipped in blue sitting on the
edge of  sad contemplation.
Girls unwed, those wedded
Loyal to their young exuberant
masters,  now bereaved, in soil
of sacrifice and warfare for the
sake of nation’s honor and pride.   
With sanguine thought steering
always the appropriate path;
All are gone, now;  Peace  and
Glory be to them all. Elders
Now rule the roost,always governed
by stupid rules, stringent laws
over the nation of  historic pride;
“And all my own generation
They have cast into the fire”.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Within a prison of four walls

Within a  prison of four walls

Me  a convict within a
Cell of four walls, all the
Time watching and hearing me.

I am a listener of my own
Heartbeat, faster than sentinels;

Don’t ask me how I landed there;
rounded up in streets by cops
along with others as unruly elements.

Other cases of criminals, not proven,
another cell, lathis and wailings of
shock treatments, pangs of brutal deaths.

A man at the corner has his own moorings:
This vast world, a  shell for us,
Our deeds or misdeeds.

Visitor hours our time of  bliss!
else, a doleful day of guilt and corrosion,

ruling our passions, also guiltless moments;     
why his life? Why hypocrisy? Why
relentless move and meaningless clatter?

Besides, digging, watering, gardening
we have  to dig into many a dark cells,
water our hardened, palsy smitten spaces

of discussions and dingy rooms, stuffed
with irate ruminations clear up fast.
Heaven or haven,we have to make.


Sunday, November 04, 2018

Strike it up Tabor

Strike it up Tabor

 Strike it up Tabor
We are in  party galore,
moods of singing and dancing roar
Strike it up Tabor,
well tuned strings afore.

My spirits  go about the maypole,
I will be blithe and  brisk,
Hop skip and  jump,
roll over the pole,
merge and mingle in the crowd.

My joints don’t ache,
my thews  grow strong,
We are in a frenzied
 Dancing mood.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Three poetess ( Guardian)

Three  poetess ( Guardian)

Three poetesses dressed in
full decorum, around polished
oval shaped table, group their
discussions on poetry and meter.

Suddenly   a man comes
 through  the back door
 on friendly note and terms,
smiles to begin a conversation.

Is he a poet, or a stranger?
a wizard, a  snow man dripping ?
or  a sage or miracle man
tying talisman to the needy?

The three are alive to the
Situation yet converse in
full throated ease, their
point of view tapping the Muse.

Just as  the door, air peeps in
and out, their books glow
turn the pages, the mirror
opposite reflect all in grandeur.

As he came, the figure walked out.

Friday, October 19, 2018

After---- Manhattan by Lola Ridge

After---- Manhattan by Lola Ridge

Out of the night,you burn, burn,
City’s attraction and fame
attracting vast tourists like
A sudden flame, numinous  
In its burning through :

Capturing markets and trade centers
Just as Gold in uppermost corners
Shining with a glow and  spark;
Jades and  blues almost fanning
Sky’s jubilant star kingdom.

Diaphanous gold in tall towers,
in stock markets  and  chambers
Of commerce   and   storied buildings
change hand to hand in different modes.
Trading  soaring into dizzy heights!

Nebulous gold, example of ephemeral
glory and vanishing principles rampant
in gambling and business shifts and lifts
mechanical in up and down exercises.

Still you glow glow into
ever-increasing charm
of full blown harvest nodding.

Friday, October 12, 2018

After Guardian ( A corner of the road)

After Guardian   ( A corner of the road)

As  I have  a  stroll in the wake
Of pristine Dawn, cool moon
Still shining, a gangly rose bush
Five flowers of hope and opulence
Spreading  aura along the pathway.

Constellation of the  Goat is there
glowing like  a message of   Messiah!
No drought! Water flows and pink
Blooming! but suddenly I witness
A reverse elsewhere “The ditch ran ink”

Is it due to the soil or the times?
Diurnal falling slow, night shadowed
by another shadow; I began to see,
me in helpless predicament. A ray

of  Hope  in the white sky
“Constellation of the Goat is there”

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A Spirit breathes in

A  Spirit breathes in

It is not a  black granite
or  carved  idols  of some
Indian  deities we worship
by offerings of sandal paste,
fragrant flowers and holy waters,

It is not a blotched plant,
bunch of sacred leaves,
décor adorning the  urn,
sprinkles holy all around
the venerable spot of Belief,

Not the Mantra chanting
aloud  or  Vedic recitals
of scholars and erudite pundits,
propitiating   Gods and  angels
throughout the day from Dawn,

neither the offerings of
puddings and   rice cakes
of jaggery and pure ghee
flowing in plantain leaves
or holding in sacred vessels,

mind wandering elsewhere,
application rescinded or duplication
entertained with currency embalmed
in  conscience of convenience,
but a Firm Dedicated Spirit

of Absolute Surrender to  HIS WILL
that prevails His Domain and care.

Friday, October 05, 2018

After (The Quiet Snow by Raymond Knister)

  After  (The Quiet Snow by Raymond Knister)

Snow is speed enough

Static train or moving trucks
curvature of tracks, it snows,
merciless and snowy still.

Open the window ajar,
look through window.
If it is still snowing;

There is a space less
 rhythm in its fall,
 though may not be

in your flavor. All
activity in standstill,
yet moving ahead.

walkers  and  vendors
office goers and busy
commuters view this

mirage throughout.

Mirage for it is
melting soon.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

All things ( after Guardian) Reformation

All things ( after  Guardian)

All things bright and   beautiful,
Polished by His creative, crafty  
Hands, shaping, allowing each
to his /her  karma /or karmic debt;

upon His first Creation,
 prismatic colors,
 chirping birds, in cages
 just as chained men,

seeking liberation,
animals in tents and
wild wood, roaming
and those tethered,

all have had free play.
Exploiting His freedom
 he  ends up in degeneracy.
His smallness is due

to his meanness, let
God be born again
amidst to nurture
Salvation and refinement.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Wig or periwig

  Wig or periwig

On a bright Sunday morn
She wakes her son up- soon
to be in barber shop, for
the bushy growth of hair
requires immediate cut
in his regular shop- she
vociferously taps him.

Sweat and swap,
thick and  curl,
knot and comb’s
plod - all weary
into a cluster of
rebelling force
of hanging on.

In front of the mirror
counting those lovely
Days of cute curls and
watching those  locks  
now fallen, cut short
in quick shots.

Like fallen angels, they look,
 some are lying flat,
now for upgradation: if it
is from women, those hair
 can go in for making
  false hair:  form men
where will they go?
Wig  or periwig?

Monday, September 17, 2018

Tersa Rima contest

Terza  Rima  contest
Spring  and  summer- two eyes  shimmer ever

Summer ! thou art  my   wholesome promenade
Immediate  pal  of propitious Spring,
Both swing with swift wings in  most esplanade.

Spring ye both   in your own  times, awesome ring
 Over roofs, rigmaroles of rich fragrance,
  pleasant as  palmyras’  in endless bring .

Bad  cold   defies not  your  exuberance
In spring blossoms, facades  and  summer shades.
Wintry bed coils calm   in its resonance .

Cokes  and  lemonade our   retreat in  glades,
Slant in grass  shiver less with   book of ryhmes,
 Blades of grass seasons’ heaven  in  high grades,
Summer  and   floral spring ever in thymes .

Saturday, September 15, 2018

In pursuit of silk sari

In   pursuit of silk sari   

Read the variety of weavers and looms
in webs  and links  and  papers and TV ads,
much awaited discounts and   mega sales,
reach to get on showrooms much ahead!

Counter to counter varieties’ galore,
colors parade and  chequered   designs,
all in front of you, in broad spectrums,
eyes enchanted but mind still bemused.

At last, you pick one to cross check
if attached with blouse, broad pallu,
go for trimming and packing with
elegant box in cloth cover handy.

Straight it goes  into your wardrobe,
hanger  taking longer care;though
a fresh piece, you unfold it to let
air free and flexi   silken touch on.

Now comes the pleasant task of
choosing one auspicious day
and avoiding inauspicious time
to deck your much liked sari.

Greater surprise your grand daughter
next  morn  enrobes your  sari!