Friday, January 17, 2014

Otherness of the foetus.

Otherness of  the foetus.

Full  many a   six month  I was in  your womb,
My  hand folded, straight I sat, aplomb,
Cosy, the  blissful world would welcome me
With  affection and assured  protection:
 My parts were  tenderly, grown,
like a  blossoming Rose,
Skin was no skin, but a sponge.
Ere, woman ,how could you
wish hastily,  to rip me apart?
Is it penury or bland Sophistication
 that  Induced you for the
Crude negation? The  hard
Metallic  plonk put me
In  a tray, to be thrown
In  a    trash.  I  was  swept
aside by the sweeper.
Time passed on.
As shaping, reshaping
Is  His  document ,
God  took pity on my
Predicament, breathed
Life, I am breathing
In  some benign, matured,
Mother’s  cosy ,kind womb.
Walls of protection
Throb with Breath. Breath.

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