Friday, August 19, 2016

What is silencing me

                           What  is  silencing  me
                  I   beached into  the   oceanic  sandy  rims,
                  Roars  sketching    the High and Mighty,
                  Origin of  Creation’s  rollingly  vociferous
                  Yet pushing  us  into   Thundering  Silence.
                  Silence  within, amidst  agitation  and  cogitation.    
                  Sun  and   Moon  and   sky  and   Stars,
                  Ageless  aeons of space   and serenity.
                  Those  roars  are not  roars, but
                  Therapy of miracles  silencing 
                 Your  ache  and   pained  sores
                 Wound cuts of  hearts, day in and
                 day out, witness  silently into
                 atrocities .  As rolling  goes on
               allowing  things  go by. All
               movable  merging into immovable
               one  for  all . Somewhere  far off,
              a  cat comfortably  moves,
               as  if Trinity is by its side.
               Silencing  takes possession
               Of   being within.


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