Friday, April 23, 2010

(30) My dogged will

(30) My dogged will.
In my life’s cycle of seasons,
Spring and summer are partial,
decide to recede backwards,
I walk through the path of autumnal leaves,
darkness and devilish fear rule my reign,
the excessive waters of winters immerse me,
sheets of water drown me to the deep,
elsewhere the speedy hurricane tries uproot me,
I am sad to see the felled parts around me,
yet the hurricane is delighted in my partial uprooting,
I decide to sprout forth, to come to the forefront,
I spring forth, spring springs,
Spring sings like a nightingale,
Sings a symphony,
seduces my passive mood, enthrals me,
I spring, sprout, share the sprightliness.

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