Monday, April 26, 2010

(35) The crab and me

(35) The crab and me
The active crab plays hide and seek in the sand dunes,
braving the white booming tides, who knows?
could be a lesson for the dejected and dispirited?
The white foam forms an endless border of the beach
or that of a sari ,with works of filigree excellent,

The ground-nut vendor carelessly sings and walks,
with least ambitions, but only to exhaust the commodity,
His utterance with rhythmic colloquy,
The rhythm of his tonal variations makes a seesaw,
yet, the crab plays hide and seek in the sand-dunes;

The roaring tidal waves splash little caring
the presence of the modest crab,
still the crab is unsafe in its native land,
I sit in a corner and watch the fun and facts of life,
yet the crab plays hide and seek in the sand dunes;

I sit in a corner with my frittering notebook,
the papers fly to befriend the waves,
my hands curiously search for clusters of pearl.
but land up in seashells and pebbles.
yet, the crab plays hide and seek in the sand –dunes;

A sense of fear grips me
like a boy giddy in a giant wheel,
I wish to move away from the sea
I see the crab crawling before me
Perhaps calling me for hide and seek.

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