Tuesday, April 06, 2010


God the Supreme breathes
Life into His malleable and the crotchety,
making them pull on, till His set plan
fructifies. Nearby in the park, I see kids
swayed by jubilation and mood of play,
kids blow colourful balloons, rather breathe
air into light balloons blowing high in the sky,
rivet and roll , from the ground control,
till, the end, the distanced journey
pushes into a whimper,
what is that rustling nearby my head ,
what is the not mildewed noise,
BREATH infused thin paper kites,

by those urchins in summer ,
There is vibrant breath in their
Clap-trap and merriment.
IF Breathing is not in the
wooded forests, how can their be
Melody and music in the air?
If His visionary Breathing stops,
Humanity comes to a standstill.

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