Thursday, April 29, 2010

( 46) W hat is a paper?

(46) What is a paper.
What is a paper, a thin filmy layer?
may be empty, blank sheet,
a black white or coloured bunch of leaves,
a coir of folders, loose and found
a beautiful poem, outpourings of
rejected love or renegade,
or an admirable artefact,
could be an invitation or court affidavit,
cherished files or meaningful records,
files carrying accusations and accomplishments too,
a volume beckoning an aeon of bygone events,
who knows, unfulfilled ambitions too.

A multipurpose equipment,
a petition of heavy complaints or connivances,
the paper fritters like a flying squad,
the paper preserves like a Messiah’s message,
can also inject and insinuate like a mosquito menace.

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