Saturday, April 17, 2010


08 Book
What is a printed matter?
What is a printed matter, simply a book?
in bound volume or paperback?
a transient transcript or a permanent record?
a deliberate transfer of emotions or angry sentiments?
A potpourri of ideas?
outpourings of suppressed emotions,
A safe place to invest your vested interests,
A syllogism of many misgivings,
A symbol of your loved life ,
Universal approbation,
A novel piece of information,
Or an advertisement for killer instinct,
A perennial asylum for poets,
writers, scholars, and thinkers,
for them an outlet of anger,
an outburst of pent –up cogitations,
who knows, it might even be encomium
on the beloved and respected,
A dedication to Avatars or to Godhead!
A trash or treasure to decide.

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