Friday, April 25, 2014

A Take on Guardian’s Present Tense ‘’ A sweet time, to be Alive and unalone,’’

A Take  on  Guardian’s    Present  Tense  ‘’ A sweet  time, to be Alive  and  unalone,’’

It is   a perfect  sweet  time ,to be alive,
Unalone, surrounded  by the Tappings  of Muse,
Not  cloyed   by the  fervour of   knowledge or
Mystic  revelations   abound  in  day to day
Stunning    events; To  be alive, is  to taste
The  Manna  of   Heaven’s nurture, to  profoundly
Read  the meaning  of His  Design, delving
Into  the  unresolved  Nature  of  our
  Karma, also     Karma  of  cosmic  creation.
Karma  of  Consciousness  too.
Understanding  our  Grace  immaterial ,
Knowing  His   Grace is essential.
Now  the  time  is  verdant,
Feel  the touch of  jasmine,
Smell  the  succulent  grapes
On  the  diaphanous  vials.
To be alive in the religious ,
Unseen presence, pervasive
Mythical Maker, is double boon.

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