Thursday, April 03, 2014


      Love lorn

How  oft   I have  seen  the  wrinkled, marooned
Crammed  in    old  age   homes, their  beds ,
Bedspreads   more  caring   than  their eyesore 
The  warmth  of  share ,entwines
 More  than  the    uncomly, the kith  and kin.
These  ‘homes’  are  their  real    ‘homes’.
In their  own  homes,  they were  sunken  flesh, 
Bundle  to be  packed  and cordoned off.
Eyes   almost  closed ,deprived  of  sight,
Dried  all   tears. These  eyes  care  them  less,
 For  they  are   spent   force . The candelabra
Above   restrict  not   their  days,
Instead  increase   their longing   to live
On   this  beautiful   Earth. This  Earth  
Suffices, somewhere,   what is lost.
How   It holds    the lovelorn,
Earthbound, they   are unable
To   fly. They  cannot  be away
For   IT  holds  them good.

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