Wednesday, April 09, 2014

North why?

                     North   why?
       The   River   flows   in the North,
       The salutary Wind blows  from 
       the  North, also  the  cobwebs of
       earthly  angularities, a  savior  in time.
       Elders  say  North   has a mythical  grandeur
       a  supernatural  noble  mystic aura,
       driving  you with a   full  fledged  vigor, 
        It  is  the  seamless  North   that   drags,
        Sustains   a  civilization of  ageless  ethos.
        It is a  suave   of  cloying, melting  sweetness 
        That  moves  along   with the  ripples 
       That  allow  the cranes  and fish to fly/ply.   
         Young  urchins    swath  around
          Spot  a  cluster of   Boobies.
         What  more  spectrum   of delight for
          you  to  watch  and weave  a  song of
          Come April  ! April  shines in summer cap.
          You walk towards the direction, the
          North  and  wind go in history          
          as you unwind the history of
         Your hamlet,your  stay  and catch.        
         Your direction is clear now.                    

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