Thursday, May 13, 2010

A message to grasp

A Message to grasp.

My mobile innocently quirks
with ringtones sounding like
Messiah’s predictions, messages
from offers of Vodophone, astrologers’
predictions down to agnostic questions :
your precious time is plundered,
other incoming calls obstructed,

the gourmet swallows consciously,
the picture is getting detached
form the wall,
I rivet a picture of Krishna
on the wall ,Lord Krishna in the battle field:
War ever since Sun and Moon designed
to shine, also Shun,
Since the Forbidden fruit lurked
and lured in the Garden of Eden,
a deliberate conscious attack
on ethical philosophy, tirade on
Life, living and abjures thinking ,

You introspect, who cares? Who pines?
for what, for whom ?
A call of Consciousness appears,
may be Krishna ‘s stiff, steady
unbending arrows of Karma
shoot up message:
don’t indulge in uncanny, unwanted
caring for others, marring your prospects,
take care, He will ,take care of You.

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