Saturday, May 01, 2010

(50) Man and media

(50) Man and the media.
Man, misguided by his animal instincts and passions,
like a huge giant and anaconda swallowing reasons and reptiles,
in the least helpful way, refuses to accept reality,
if I argue, he tends to counter argue in a volatile way,
he suppresses reason teaching his guilt corroded conscience ,
many a strange forms of figures and calculations,
as would an accountant to bury his hidden accounts,
coins and rupees to dupe his innocent master:
yet, the media as a magician in a positive way,
builds not castles, nor connives but unfolds to my surprise,
many unaccountable tales of woe and fraud;
when man mars, media makes and miracles.

What is undone by man is done by media,
in a quick shift of events and scenes
as would an actor in a mouthful of words and moves,
is it a new move to moving camera?

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