Monday, May 03, 2010

( 54) The fish

The fish
Like a spectacular pageant show,
on the day of declaration of independence,
my leisure led me to an aquarium tub
the cute colourful aquarium tub,
the crisss-cross of the colourful fish,
the tiny insects to be fed as a fodder,
the fins and fragments of fossils
create a beautiful foliage,
a feast to my eyes,
a down town calibre,
yet the fish breathless out of water;
I wish it were an amphibian,
yet the fish dies,
many a kind of the same, the next day to be,
in the basket of the markets of moribund
culture and housemaid’s frying pan;
either form the pond or from the sea what
does it matter for the fisherman or urchins?
the dumb, baited to be hooked to death,
The Creator proposes Life in the water,
but the land leads the victim to the end.

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