Saturday, May 01, 2010

( 51) Who is free?

51) Who is free?
Is she free because her purse is empty?
is it because she is free as a wandering crow,
or a warbling nightingale or ordering mistress?
is she free because her garments are loose
as Puck and Bottom? Is she free because she
has no children to tend to, or no husband to chide?
is she free because she has no meetings to inaugurate?
is she free because she has no Ancestral God to obey?
is she free because she has no Guru or mentor to worship?
is it due to she has no home assignments to make
to prove she is proficient as work spot?
is it because she has no debt to pay off?
nay, the questions are multiple and variegated
but the answer is one and one only:
She is free, for her conscience is free,
to face anybody and anywhere for her WILL IS NOT FREE,
Her will is controlled by GOD’S decree.

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