Sunday, May 02, 2010

(53) Taxing and Taxing!

(53) Taxing and Taxing

It is indeed taxing in this taxing world!
untold taxes for all items accountable,
perishable like the rotten vegetables
and penalty for the default payment too.
Sales tax vie with service tax, a severe stringent law,
water tax even in times of drought and dryness,
Property tax even for improper construction,
Why this tag or tax to tax the common man?
is there tax for electric cremation?
The Ganges and the The Yamuna don’t tax
man for purification and ablution!
Hospitals charge the patients with the tax,
with the surcharge of insulin and inoculation,
God the supreme creator does not heavily tax,
for his tenants and tomboys .
Do the sun and moon and the firmament
align to this man-made configurement?
Plentiful bars and recreation clubs repress the
booming spirit of revels with the labels of tax,
my own income is subject to the law of income tax,
only the dying man does not have the threat of tax,
it is indeed taxing in this taxing world!

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