Friday, May 30, 2014

Underneath My Table

                Underneath  My  Table.

Underneath  my sturdy  Mahogany  table,
No mystery, they are   veering around?
I  am  enslaved by  the  writing  pad  on  table,
Yet   gripped  by    tabula rasa, now.
The  papers  crushed  or  crumbled
Fritter in a playful mood, as if  caterwauling:
Perpetuated  by the  fan above rotating,
They are the fertile   imagination  crushed.
Still every  letter folded    within   paper,
Every idea  lurking  within the   white
abandoned, looks  for  a  space out.
I remould them, recreate  them, now
They  shine  atop   with an elevated 
Status, a   new   title, new  flip.

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