Friday, March 25, 2016

Man's Shame, Sun's Beam

Man’s Shame, Sun’s beam

Man’s urge for  flesh and impulsive itch ,desire,
Youth and mirth  and  wine  and  liquor,
A mockery for his existence,
Finally  fetch in the  loss   of  gold  and coin
Currency ,his name  and reputation,
So are for  women’snudge   for costly , 
Result in loss of  the same .
Costly is  the   coveted  and   lost.
After years gone, realization stems
Bodily death man’s doing   and 
Soul pining  for  the loss  and  amiss
Flies to  a  different zone.
Sun’s beams  refract  Not the
Shame  of  the bend  of  the  day.
It  is  goalless  life, now  soulless too.
It is  the  grey  life ,ultimately
Coming  to  an  end .
Spring  and  sun  and  season’s
Nurture take turns , come and  shine.

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