Friday, July 26, 2019

After Guardian --The Horse and the Monkey by Mary Jean Chan

After Guardian  --The Horse and the Monkey by Mary Jean Chan

What does it matter?

Let them call me a  donkey
Let them brand you a  jumping
Monkey,or  vice versa , as long as
You and I are knit together in a
 Bond of incessantly tied up
togetherness and  long relationship;
you respect my sentiments, equally
I go by your dictum of leadership
In the sacred  well being  of  our threshold;

Under  the sun and stars, we are all ,
Ought to be governed by the common
Wholesome principle of love ,
Give and take  and mutual  respect.
Our mothers should always continue
To love and teach us tolerance.
What if we move like monkeys to move
And horses  to run from place to place
Tree to tree as long as there is one
Common point of togetherness,
Reach and  rivet in our cozy hearth
Of love  and affection and loyalty.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

I am not professional singer

I am not a professional singer,
Nor a proclaimed composer,
Nor can my unmeditated art
As one may term it at his will,
Soothe your ills, or cool your
Disturbed thoughts .My Muse
Inspired by her  dictum like the
Ancient saying  or  scriptural truths
Governed by laws of Nature,
Tapping my voices  to sing or
Compose, at intervals, those
Profuse outcomes are final
 Juicy fruits filling  our thirst.

I seen in records, in my physical eyes
Those that live by rote  and write,
The  dead and eternal ,living and  
Wandering  all--   day and nights
Keep write for some reason or rhyme.,
Sad or sanguine, pine  or peace,
As SUN  and STARS shine and hide,
Again back in the orb, as seasons flow
In turns   the Art of Writing will flourish,
As Music like ripples go in veins of
Musicians and strings unbounded.

Our accustomed   turmoil,
Our pathless struggles and pains,
Hidden stories in our rocky hearts,
Coveted desires stay , some to be
Slain, some to be prolonged until
Filtered like sediments in the bottom;
All reflected in the mirror of letters.
There is  no Death to  these forms
Long live, literature, long life Music.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Spirit breathes in

A  Spirit breathes in

It is not a  black granite
or  carved  idols  of some
Indian  deities we worship
by offerings of sandal paste,
fragrant flowers and holy waters,

It is not a blotched plant,
bunch of sacred leaves,
décor adorning the  urn,
sprinkles holy all around
the venerable spot of Belief,

Not the Mantra chanting
aloud  or  Vedic recitals
of scloars and erudite pundits,
propitiating   Gods and  angels
throughout the day from Dawn,

neither the offerings of
puddings and   rice cakes
of jaggery and pure ghee
flowing in plantain leaves
or holding in sacred vessels,

mind wandering elsewhere,
application rescinded or duplication
entertained with currency embalmed
in  conscience of convenience,
but a Firm Dedicated Spirit

of Absolute Surrender to  HIS WILL
that prevails His Domain and care.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Smart phones


  Bus horns and  bikes
  jarring around our busy  schedules
  like cattle  bells hanging round
  our  crossing lanes and lines across;
   But something  in   our   palms  or bags,
   our fingers can  access  and scroll,
   a ringtone, vibrations  or loud message
   vital signals as important as our breaths!
   calls continuous  or hoax  our ears are tuned
   for our lives in  post modern age, as fast as
   our fast food and   burger  a  bonanza, you
   may call it.   Uploads  and updates  cropping up
  like  magic tricks and  glowworms. At one   click
  mobile transactions, with guards  checking;
  they are  OTPS  with send  and resend commands.
   I tunes, google  and twitter all in one small box, 
   Facebook and email yahoo - all in compressed
  smart phone, globally knit; camera  with zoom
  and shrink  smarter than real shows.  A  sketch
  thumbnail , mode of ruminations at your will.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

His benign look is rich enough

 His benign look is rich enough.

Dont call me filthy rich
for I own some landed
property, all of  my own
sweat  and   blood, ground
still wet with smell of toil
grounded in sickle and bent;     
 self   earned income;

No pride of rental income
 nor any booming flow of
harvest and copious corns,
for aridity and parchment
strikes here, parchement
in man's tongue and heart
like whirlpool rolling on;

 somewhere  far off, cascade
of water flow as if catchment areas,
could be  cheering dawn in my heart
of hope and  undulated Faith
consoling like a Mantra from Heaven.
I move on, there is no time for specuation.
Time's serendipity in and out pouring .

In praise of thee, oh! my tree

In praise of thee, oh my tree

My parrot pecked  and chirped
many a  call of melody  to this
world of  malady sinking in plotting
parasites veering around us;

cool zephyr  fanned by  aurora
steady  blowing, tree’s bliss and pride,
now touching upon branch after
branch, withering away yellow leaves;

beneath thy shady nook and corner
many a  devout,schlorlay  sage
have done penance for the sake
of worldly redemption,

when one morning  for timber’s sake
an axe had befallen the brown layers
panicking all   caves and inmates;
the thud  had spread on the floor.

Muse had silently spread all her
Wings of poesy and creativity,
Now in books and  broad shelters
Some even  bitten by insects ;

I always think of that Fruit
wrought so much  here, yet
to thee ,thy shade, hanging boughs
my rhyme ever sings a rhapsody.