Saturday, March 28, 2020

IS it a fear or reconciliation?

IS it a fear or reconciliation?

The moment he is born, one day
Or other, death is imminent.
we all go by this time honoured dictum;
I grow in this  vast world of  beauty,
Nurture and grace, along side poverty
Paucity and growth  and ailing and disease;

fear amidst chaos  and death, life
has its own charm, duty and dullness.
Stars  and sun shine  show their trajectory
to carve  a path of illustrious glow,
we  follow to sing and  suit  our moods,
 stars being realm of my  imagination,
image  and image fixing; our forte;

from this dark pale world of self exile,
you  enter into a  darker zone, come
out of it, rebuilding your fear ridden image;
what do skeletons do, what can our bones,
dry  bones, or bones into burnt ashes do;

 sleep and dream and think in my cottage
until I fly with my wings to a different zone.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

fish and flinch after guardian

HE  wrote  the recordation
Using pencil and pen and type writer,
Adjusting ribbons often, now
Advanced systems and mobile
To trace  and retrace of his moorings;

Monkeys  appear  and disappear
Causing troubles, semblance of
Ancient  man and  his habits;
Now sailing  in modernism and art
Trade  and traffic all governed by
 Latest tech.  Finch and  fish flying images
In his poetry all pervasive;

Long live fish, newspaper  and magazine
Long live poetry and art.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The idler ( after Guardian)

The  idler  ( after  Guardian)

As light as his body, his approach
 wanderings into his own chosen,
 accorded by habit and leisure,
he walks carefree  unburdened
 by any  concern or binding  nature;
 his body be a load or his load to be
unloaded soon in trash, imbibing
a lesson, life is ash or trash ;,

if one among fast reeling humanity,
if slowed down by his slowness,
merging with  busy or hiding in corner,
he is desirous of  a keen eye
 to spot his favorite ,pleasing to his eyes;
his only mission to find solace
in silence and silence in his dream;

With the resplendent sun, on his face
With multitasking beams, he is moving
Into a  better world, a world of  of his choice,
Better and  for a   better deal ; this world
You abrogate, you are heading on for new.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Cooking gas

Cooking  gas

Gone are  those days of firewood
and coal when women had their hard times
battling and blowing through
to run the domestic chore;

heavy tons of rice  and vegetables,
porridge and  pots of boiling milk
and pans of papads  - all  in daily
routine  all in three rounds unlimited;

these  are times, when no patience
and pragmatics prevail as far as
these ancient outdated  modules figure
in  most women’s heart and thinking;

heavy cylinders with cooking gas
connecting tubes  with gas lighters
 modern kitchen with modernized
 appliances where  modernity creeps in

minute by minute; little do we realize
how hard it is for  delivery man  to lift
on his shoulders and  load and re load
in his van rolling from street to street;

modernity has its own limits
modernity has its own  rubrics

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

'What if the sun shines?'

   ‘ What if the  sun  shines?’

   Me born, denied  of   vision,
   my dark room  like x ray theatre;        
    my living luxury with unbounded
   Forte. What if the seasons blossom
  with respective smiles, up swelling  like
  springs of water taps in corners of
  railway platforms, for me the dark
  is my ordained luxury.

   A gentle tap   going afore
  when compelled by necessity
  on the traffic ridden roads, sun beams
  glare at me impartial, jasmine and rose
  those captivating, nosedrils    piercing                                                           
   fragrance, foray that they belong to
   their category, for I see them not.

 All  these  for   the sense of my being,
 Flip for the skin and  flesh;
 But  my four walls, for my soul  attuned 
 ever since I came into this blessed soil!
for  it bears me still ,still and  silent. 
What  if the sun peeps out!

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Winter pause ( after guardian)

Winter  pause ( after guardian)

 Memory does not forsake me
for relieving in your face  and beauty
is a  bliss, which I enjoy viewing the
outside pouring stars; still  snow
pollution stagnant every where.

Grass  is green and so is desire
where amplifiers and trade
go on, trafficking people,
from morn till dusk where
dark descends in all corners.

Like Eliot’s mixing memory
and desire here  youth and strong
desire for flesh, cathedrals  and choir
play with cats  and tender  toys;
wild peeps in with a zest of curiosity.

Hour passes  by, flowers shrink at dusk,
when birds go back to their protective caves,
silence   and serenity with lowing beams
sing along inward bidding good bye;
what is called winter sun on its own path.

Sunday, March 01, 2020

After Daft patter ( guardian)

After  Daft   patter  ( guardian)

What is loneliness, if you define
And defy loneliness, it is a sort
Of strengthening, analyzing your
Vicinity, your being, and nature
and surroundings; may be with a
tinge of  introspection and sullen brood.

Bearing all that is dark and chill
In cold, your pinafore a guard and care
Doesn’t  care for wind and grass,
Riding on  in free grass mounds
and  paddy chanting tomorrow
is breezing fast around you;

at times, seasons and almanac
timed in ancient codifications,
ruled your expectations, still
I am far away from these time bound
Restrictions, you are aware perhaps;

Still waking around  chained by
Bond of togetherness and oneness
Permeating our  culture  and cue.