Thursday, January 29, 2015

It is all Gone.

    It is  all  gone, gone.

Gone, it is all gone,
Meddling  with The
Incarnation, it   is all gone,
With  The Godhead,it  is  gone.
Reputation  is  Gone,
Peace is gone, Life is a
Piecemeal share of life
And existence is the remnant
Of His  Grace,undenied   even
In the last bogie.
“Hare  Rama, Hare Krishna”
in the parched tongue,
Southerly winds blow
As a   matter of  fact.
It is all gone.
You  are by  me, my  side,
Stays all in good earnest.
You  Are, Are ruling  the  roost
Of  His  Dictum.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Canals flow silent

             Canals flow silent
Remembering  those dogged days
When   deserted with  sediments brown
and   red, crude  layers of  aridity,
eyeing  that   green eyed monster jealousy
brooding   also in  the popping  up
layers  of  green  plants  for  the  soil
was  barren  ere  while  ago.
Away  into  the  town,  the  tongues
Some  are dishonest, but  the chirping
Is  always honest, for it is
The  Melody  of God’s  Make.
Undiluted ,unspoilt by  any
Corruptions  and  corrugations .
Birds   speak  their  own  languages.
Yet, man  and woman  under  the
Blue  sky, employ  a  different, dishonest
medium. But oh! Here,to live  in a land,
To become a  butt  of  comic  ridicule
And vituperation, a  pain  and eyesore.
Canals   flow  silent  and serene.

Friday, January 23, 2015

“ How could   I know what  an alcoholic was?”

The  dim, dusty, musty, cluttered  room  
Of  the house, shall  I say, haunts. No! for
Certitude.   The  memory lingers, of  those
Hard, hardening , your muscles  and lines
Across  your  hands. Those vials and   lemon       
Were  meant to  pep up   your  spirits. Some
Ginger  tea  and  coffee light would  alleviate
Our   pained hearts and  body too.
 Life  was meant   for  us, to eke  out
 a precarious living  and . Ma  would 
milk the cow  and cow dung cakes
Meticulously on the wall of the
backyard. The next day hot water
in copper  boiler. The  siesta  and
cool  air in the veranda  would 
enrich  next  day  for  fields .
How  could  I know  what  the alcoholic was!
I  am  a teetotaler.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Hats off to Hats.

  Hats off to hats.
In the matrix of civilization,
Hats and caps  and helmets
Sepoy  head cover change
Their colors. A big delay
in donning them, doffs
their  features, their perspective
looks. The matted hats foray
the  past craftsmanship. By
the nullah,you  sit and admire
the stream, see  a cap floating,
capturing the life boat float there.

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Under The Tympanum Sky

     Under  The Tympanum Sky.
Under  the tympanum  sky,
Whether you are an Indian, or Anglophile,
Or cosmopolitan in outlook, you live by
A set cultural code, nobody can break it.
But, oh! These man made  laws are  beliefs
So governed by  mystic  laws with  a  hidden     
Secret, geography or topography of their own.
Days roll on: ages descend into new platforms,
Suppliant, gain new nomenclatures,bend  the
Norms of  cultures, which we tend to believe:
Still, the rubric prevails, we foresee,             
“Culture’s the crackable/  code
That guides all tribes and clans.”  
Here  goes  the  piper with his supple
Melody  to proliferate the  idea  with
The song, society goes berserk,
Skeleton, when culture is  torn  asunder.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Karma, The Careful Bird of Vigilance.

  Karma, the  careful Bird of Vigilance.

Methought, I can clip the wings of Karma,
Undo its doings  and  nudges,
Convert its  Divine chattering into
a  promenade of  unsilencing  throb.
She being  a wakeful Bird of pouring
Takes  me by surprise, not flying  away,
But pecking at the fruit, eyes the
World of notations  and permutations
As well. It looks  as if counselling,
‘Look at me. You  Don’t saunter hither and thither,
Unless  with  a  motif. Practice stable in your
Garb of right thinking.”
Now  she flies from tree top
 to topmost  twig of rumination
to carry out her preordained ordeal.
Amazing is she with her dappled wings.

Friday, January 02, 2015

A Flag Of Assured Solace

    A Flag of  assured   Solace.

You  are my  Hope, only Hope,
Assured  Hope thwarting  the  Devil 
Of  Despondency.
“On  one  of  these  Dark  Days,
 hugging  my misery”
I  can prostrate  on your Divine Feet,
I catch  your  admirable drift.
In full  saffron you  can deftly
Ride  on your  bicycle,
Can be mountaineering,
Can be marine  engineer,
Engineering  from enormous
Altitude, can be in Meditation
On  Grand  Himalayas.
Preaching  and counselling
Silently  to all Your Devotees,
On the other side, vehemently
Silencing   the Devil’s Voice.
Without you it is  utter  chaos.