Saturday, September 29, 2018

All things ( after Guardian) Reformation

All things ( after  Guardian)

All things bright and   beautiful,
Polished by His creative, crafty  
Hands, shaping, allowing each
to his /her  karma /or karmic debt;

upon His first Creation,
 prismatic colors,
 chirping birds, in cages
 just as chained men,

seeking liberation,
animals in tents and
wild wood, roaming
and those tethered,

all have had free play.
Exploiting His freedom
 he  ends up in degeneracy.
His smallness is due

to his meanness, let
God be born again
amidst to nurture
Salvation and refinement.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Wig or periwig

  Wig or periwig

On a bright Sunday morn
She wakes her son up- soon
to be in barber shop, for
the bushy growth of hair
requires immediate cut
in his regular shop- she
vociferously taps him.

Sweat and swap,
thick and  curl,
knot and comb’s
plod - all weary
into a cluster of
rebelling force
of hanging on.

In front of the mirror
counting those lovely
Days of cute curls and
watching those  locks  
now fallen, cut short
in quick shots.

Like fallen angels, they look,
 some are lying flat,
now for upgradation: if it
is from women, those hair
 can go in for making
  false hair:  form men
where will they go?
Wig  or periwig?

Monday, September 17, 2018

Tersa Rima contest

Terza  Rima  contest
Spring  and  summer- two eyes  shimmer ever

Summer ! thou art  my   wholesome promenade
Immediate  pal  of propitious Spring,
Both swing with swift wings in  most esplanade.

Spring ye both   in your own  times, awesome ring
 Over roofs, rigmaroles of rich fragrance,
  pleasant as  palmyras’  in endless bring .

Bad  cold   defies not  your  exuberance
In spring blossoms, facades  and  summer shades.
Wintry bed coils calm   in its resonance .

Cokes  and  lemonade our   retreat in  glades,
Slant in grass  shiver less with   book of ryhmes,
 Blades of grass seasons’ heaven  in  high grades,
Summer  and   floral spring ever in thymes .

Saturday, September 15, 2018

In pursuit of silk sari

In   pursuit of silk sari   

Read the variety of weavers and looms
in webs  and links  and  papers and TV ads,
much awaited discounts and   mega sales,
reach to get on showrooms much ahead!

Counter to counter varieties’ galore,
colors parade and  chequered   designs,
all in front of you, in broad spectrums,
eyes enchanted but mind still bemused.

At last, you pick one to cross check
if attached with blouse, broad pallu,
go for trimming and packing with
elegant box in cloth cover handy.

Straight it goes  into your wardrobe,
hanger  taking longer care;though
a fresh piece, you unfold it to let
air free and flexi   silken touch on.

Now comes the pleasant task of
choosing one auspicious day
and avoiding inauspicious time
to deck your much liked sari.

Greater surprise your grand daughter
next  morn  enrobes your  sari!

GUARDIAN (Poem of the week: Aristocrats by Keith Douglas)

GUARDIAN (Poem of the week: Aristocrats by Keith Douglas)

There are two noble horses,
One is the animal on the field
On whom rides the soldier,
Other being the bold, man with
a sacrificial urge for the purpose,
be it a nation, or a soil or victory
the need of the hour for his side.
Horse neighs, in a polished tone
“ I am equally noble and duty conscious
For the sacrificial urge in me too
Propels all the time”. They are unicorns
and  embodiment of chivalry.

Victims of gunshots and bullets
Both go down in history like
Legendary heroes. Challenging
rugged paths and stones, run
run towards   higher goals.
Yonder I hear gun shots and
Hoofs with  a bold signal .

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

        • 1) My  sister writes  in
          whole of her lifetime  vivid
          haibun and  haiku
          reverberate   episodes
          into glimpses of moments .

           2) almanac  on     wall
            buoyant    back and forth twitter
            seamless reminder
            bygone days of   strain pricking
            veer into shades of flowing


          1)              Does  it wait for  you
          amidst endless queue
           does  that 'it'  refers  to  Time  or  Train?            
            beyond guess of our strain

          2)       Litter all in the bin
           Some  read and some unread
          leading up to measureless din
          who can prevail our ego to shed?


         1) My  sister writes  in
        whole of her lifetime  vivid
        haibun and  haiku
        reverberate   episodes
        into glimpses of moments .

         2) almanac  on     wall
          buoyant    back and forth twitter
          seamless reminder
          bygone days of   strain pricking
          veer into shades of flowing


        1)              Does  it wait for  you
        amidst endless queue
         does  that 'it'  refers  to  Time  or  Train?            
          beyond guess of our strain

        2)       Litter all in the bin
         Some  read and some unread
        leading up to measureless din
        who can prevail our ego to shed?


       1) My  sister writes  in
      whole of her lifetime  vivid
      haibun and  haiku
      reverberate   episodes
      into glimpses of moments .

       2) almanac  on     wall
        buoyant    back and forth twitter
        seamless reminder
        bygone days of   strain pricking
        veer into shades of flowing


      1)              Does  it wait for  you
      amidst endless queue
       does  that 'it'  refers  to  Time  or  Train?            
        beyond guess of our strain

      2)       Litter all in the bin
       Some  read and some unread
      leading up to measureless din
      who can prevail our ego to shed?


     1) My  sister writes  in
    whole of her lifetime  vivid
    haibun and  haiku
    reverberate   episodes
    into glimpses of moments .

     2) almanac  on     wall
      buoyant    back and forth twitter
      seamless reminder
      bygone days of   strain pricking
      veer into shades of flowing


    1)              Does  it wait for  you
    amidst endless queue
     does  that 'it'  refers  to  Time  or  Train?            
      beyond guess of our strain

    2)       Litter all in the bin
     Some  read and some unread
    leading up to measureless din
    who can prevail our ego to shed?