Saturday, March 14, 2020

The idler ( after Guardian)

The  idler  ( after  Guardian)

As light as his body, his approach
 wanderings into his own chosen,
 accorded by habit and leisure,
he walks carefree  unburdened
 by any  concern or binding  nature;
 his body be a load or his load to be
unloaded soon in trash, imbibing
a lesson, life is ash or trash ;,

if one among fast reeling humanity,
if slowed down by his slowness,
merging with  busy or hiding in corner,
he is desirous of  a keen eye
 to spot his favorite ,pleasing to his eyes;
his only mission to find solace
in silence and silence in his dream;

With the resplendent sun, on his face
With multitasking beams, he is moving
Into a  better world, a world of  of his choice,
Better and  for a   better deal ; this world
You abrogate, you are heading on for new.

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