Tuesday, March 01, 2016

A contrast

              A contrast  

 You  go  to  the  Himalayas,
 Avowed  Penance  and
 Profound  string of meditation 
Are not  the only  remedies.
Stultifying   revelations 
Are too many, mysterious
  Ground breaking too.

In  the  melting  snow,
In the downpour of rains,
You see  the hardness of 
Human  hearts, Thaw  Not.
 In the hard  stone,                                   
Beneath  the exterior,
There is a   wet  border.

The  carpenter’s chiseled
Hammer  and  intermittent 
Beats   on the wooden teapot,
emit   unique rhythms,
Cautionary  tale for bystanders
And  listeners  as well.
Painful  rhythm to listen to.

Salt  in the ocean waters,
sea shell  and conch ,
roars  and frothy  foams
powering   sands  and  helpless
Anchorage  and   marooned
Ships –weave tales of ample past.
All contrast to man’s small brain.

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