Friday, June 27, 2014

Take on Guardian’s To bend the grass for light and space by Lotte Cramer.

Take on  Guardian’s   To bend the grass   for light  and space by Lotte  Cramer.

Bend  the  grass   for  light  and space
Cut   the  weed  and  clear  the  uncouth  race,
Bend the  grass  for  more   creative space,
Let  the   Light   glow    and   shimmer   apace.
Bend   the  grass  for  more   supple    brocade
For   the  shade   to   come  and  fall  to  prevent 
Any   unpleasant ,despoiled    umbrage.
Bend  the grass , let   butterflies    fly
From   nearby plant  to plant ,navigate,
to    spread  wings  on  pollen   to
sprinkle  on  grass  for  more  creative  race.

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