Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Take on Eccc Puer By James Joyce.

A take on  Ecce  Puer  by James Joyce.( An old man is gone)

An   Old Man Is Gone
Triple  Pillar of the house is gone.
An Octogenarian, stentorian in voice,
Is  gone. Gone in  sleep.
Nothing to grieve, for  when he breathed his last,
It  was all peaceful  and calm.
Yet, a matter of neglect  and repent is that
paddy from his  field,
Hitherto not supplied  came in bulks
and   gunny  bags. A delayed matter,
he was  deprived  of this rightful claim,
sad   irony, some people  don’t enjoy,
don’t  get, during their lifetime
what they deserve. But  now  the
matter of recompense  is that
A calf  is  born, where the man is gone.


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