Friday, August 20, 2010

Her metalanguage

(August theme) Her metalanguage

Feeding his wife, family, is a burden,
Duress of times’ collocations,
The Bar is his only blatant and pleasant asylum.
They pull on with a conviction
fending him with, fend off
his bugging shortcomings,
they, the sufferers are not pretentious ,
She , the house wife bears
the burden of his angst ,
Narrow, selfish and corroding,
In her blood runs the sacrificial
Urge of sacrifice and charity ;
throwing grains and rice balls each morn:
Crow and parrot in the same balcony
Caw and pour their metalanguage:
She configures the Nature and the world
from the conflicting self from within,
yet the unanswered queries remain,
how much to endure? How long?
Her metalanguage quirks .

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