Monday, August 30, 2010

(127) Can you find me?

(127) Can you find me?

Can you find me in the bundle of currency
heaped up in the secret chambers laid in the walls?
will I be reached only in cocktail parties?
a visit to the brothel or a slip to the whorehouse
as straying as pigs weltering in the slimy mud
looting the dirt and human waste,
a conversation into tasty bites,
will I be found where gunshots and bullets
persistently predominate and bodies as peanuts,
where ceasefire is only a cessation to further
the blood thirst for war, can you find me there?
can you find me in the man who revels in the armpits
Of his mistress , cheap pleasures miscalculated
as peace? Can you find me in the wall posters
‘peace’ for world peace go at a slow pace,
Can you find only in the guitars and piano
Of road side singer for alms?
I am PEACE , dwell in the heart where contentment
Reigns, supreme and passivity predominates.

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