Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pay day

Pay day

Ten years ago, my pay day was a hay day,
when I could afford my children a shopping,
a promised treat for the bygone birth day
of my kid, a pizza hunt, a jolly day,

today my pay day is no longer paid day,
today my pay day is a painful day,
rickshaw man who seats the kids
in three to four steps in his two
Seater luxury to school,
Pleads for advance which cannot be gainsaid,
For his bread and pittance is our pleasure.

The luxury of car and home is ngated
when the loan reminder is sent with interest,
the telephone bills are up abominably,
Children hour-long discuss the questions

the telephones and the mobiles are busy,
children say that we are fussy,

by twentieth I go to the bank not for
deposit, nor for withdrawal,
to pledge my jewel for a smooth sail..

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