Saturday, July 25, 2020

Teacher ; it goes on( guardian)

Teacher It goes  on 

So many desks, countless rows
Papers  and planes  - class room
Converted into play room, in the
Gap  of teacher’s arrival; alongside
chocolate wrappers and opening
and closing poetry page of “solitary
Reaper” for  they are expected  to
learn by rote; unmanageable cacophony
silenced by appearance of a master
with a bulky  bundle
 of  corrected  note books ;  some
 more to be corrected;
the time he makes them rehearse
previous day’s poetry, some quotes,
 by the time master taps his scale
on the  table to control, there
comes a circular about exam time table,
life  is sulky , life is sullen,
learning is tough and tedious
it goes on  until bell goes in his
dream, in  their dreams and watches;
till summer vacation it is programmed
and   final  day of ordeal arrives;
results ,promotions and failures,
it goes on.


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