Saturday, July 11, 2020

Rose at random

                      Rose at random

                     What are we but a budding bunch
                    of multicolored rose plants growing
                     in steady soil, tutored by the steady
                     care of agile gardener, owner at times,
                    mostly admired for the beauty and rich,
                    tempting, also divine fragrances entwined
                    with petals and  roots beyond our ken,
                   in the sense, rootless flourish wide;
                   Time’s cruel   hands have clipped
                  and flung our stems hanging loose
                  until a fine wind blowing gathered
                   solitary pining, nourished into a growth
                   beyond   fairness  and   snatch.   
                   Winds and children’s  play
                   have stunted  our prosperous smile,
                   till a propitious boon  changed our fate;
                    we are sure to blossom and flourish
                   with copious fruits and sweet  fragrance.

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