Saturday, July 04, 2020

when hatred prevails;---

INCENDIARY ART (After  Guardian)

       when hatred prevails;---

       On the long day, a gunshot, sudden
     triggered from  his  tutored instrument,
      shed his blood  and   body motionless,
     a stupefaction for all surrounding;
      why this long query, why this angry mob,
      why some nonchalant, why this quandary,
       she questions herself at the altar of Church,
       not only for her, for many a passerby,
        this moment not trivial, but, crucial
        for a  life gone,  identity unclaimed,
       what for some question inwardly,
      some continue to argue, unanswered; 

      vans and school children pass,
      until cops come, his blood frozen,
      like the minds of many,  not pondering,
      still lingering in their own moods;      
      what matters for  you and me
      witnessing there for a while,
      not color, nor black or white,
     if rich or have-nots, what   matters most,
     which is lacking, which is wanting,
      the humane sense, human consciousness,
       human sense of care  and only   mutual care.

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