Thursday, July 18, 2019

I am not professional singer

I am not a professional singer,
Nor a proclaimed composer,
Nor can my unmeditated art
As one may term it at his will,
Soothe your ills, or cool your
Disturbed thoughts .My Muse
Inspired by her  dictum like the
Ancient saying  or  scriptural truths
Governed by laws of Nature,
Tapping my voices  to sing or
Compose, at intervals, those
Profuse outcomes are final
 Juicy fruits filling  our thirst.

I seen in records, in my physical eyes
Those that live by rote  and write,
The  dead and eternal ,living and  
Wandering  all--   day and nights
Keep write for some reason or rhyme.,
Sad or sanguine, pine  or peace,
As SUN  and STARS shine and hide,
Again back in the orb, as seasons flow
In turns   the Art of Writing will flourish,
As Music like ripples go in veins of
Musicians and strings unbounded.

Our accustomed   turmoil,
Our pathless struggles and pains,
Hidden stories in our rocky hearts,
Coveted desires stay , some to be
Slain, some to be prolonged until
Filtered like sediments in the bottom;
All reflected in the mirror of letters.
There is  no Death to  these forms
Long live, literature, long life Music.

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