Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Spirit breathes in

A  Spirit breathes in

It is not a  black granite
or  carved  idols  of some
Indian  deities we worship
by offerings of sandal paste,
fragrant flowers and holy waters,

It is not a blotched plant,
bunch of sacred leaves,
décor adorning the  urn,
sprinkles holy all around
the venerable spot of Belief,

Not the Mantra chanting
aloud  or  Vedic recitals
of scloars and erudite pundits,
propitiating   Gods and  angels
throughout the day from Dawn,

neither the offerings of
puddings and   rice cakes
of jaggery and pure ghee
flowing in plantain leaves
or holding in sacred vessels,

mind wandering elsewhere,
application rescinded or duplication
entertained with currency embalmed
in  conscience of convenience,
but a Firm Dedicated Spirit

of Absolute Surrender to  HIS WILL
that prevails His Domain and care.


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