Friday, July 26, 2019

After Guardian --The Horse and the Monkey by Mary Jean Chan

After Guardian  --The Horse and the Monkey by Mary Jean Chan

What does it matter?

Let them call me a  donkey
Let them brand you a  jumping
Monkey,or  vice versa , as long as
You and I are knit together in a
 Bond of incessantly tied up
togetherness and  long relationship;
you respect my sentiments, equally
I go by your dictum of leadership
In the sacred  well being  of  our threshold;

Under  the sun and stars, we are all ,
Ought to be governed by the common
Wholesome principle of love ,
Give and take  and mutual  respect.
Our mothers should always continue
To love and teach us tolerance.
What if we move like monkeys to move
And horses  to run from place to place
Tree to tree as long as there is one
Common point of togetherness,
Reach and  rivet in our cozy hearth
Of love  and affection and loyalty.

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