Monday, February 14, 2011

This Seamless Happening.

This   Seamless Happening

This   happening  is  happening ,
Seamless    from within,
Picturises    the    horrendous  outside,
I see  kids  see-saw  in the  play  area,
Some  light  happening  for them too,
go  up   and down,  a  thrill,  a  jubilation,

Many   a   somersault     here   and  there,
to    topsy  turvey   the  shaped ;
the   Lighthouse   from  afar and
 the  ship quizzical, mystery  of the waters,
vanish with  a  faint     glimmer,
queen  Moon  shines, on the  shingles too;

countless   sands   wear  a   ghost like
hopeless  to  redeem this wretched
humanity coiling in  a   falsified
arrogant ,uncompromising   notions
that  beguile  all, dehumanising  
 to the  core  , the chagrin of   it all.

Everywhere  it is happening,
Happening  beyond  our perception,
Happenings  you  and   I cannot  thwart,
Happenings you  and    I  only  can  witness,
This   happening  is  happening ,
Seamless    from within,

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