Thursday, February 10, 2011

If I could...

               If  I could...

If   I could  follow  the Soul,
Happy, jejune, afflicted, or
Angst  ridden, whatever name
You  term   consequent  to
 the   libation,
 Soul’s Liberation, for  me
a   stringent  ordeal,
Faithfully, meandering
 Its ordained path,

If   only  I  could  predict
In   all  authenticity
And  veracity , the  Birth
After  The  Soul’s  sojourn  here,
If  only  I could measure the Journey,
The  specific  TIME and Distance,
If  I could  instil  Breath
In the  embryo , gyrating
 in the womb of  its   mother,                                         

I  would  be   an  extraordinary
NOT  an ordinary, Super Being,
But, then ,here  God  puts  a   definite
Check,   a   sure check post,
If  I  could  challenge   that  I 
Would   surpass this   sacred 
Impossible   jurisdiction,
My boundary  is sure to invite
Devil’s    Adjudication.

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