Monday, August 02, 2010

(98) Bracelet

(98) Bracelet

It was an ancient temple precinct
of high vaulted,oilyroofs, cracks and cleavages,
the cement floors which bore the brunt of
coconut shell as offerings
a custom of religiosity,
a time –honoured ritual, relegated.
The smoky smell of camphor and candlewick,
the glitter of candelabra coax but not choke.

I rolled down as a fulfilment of my vow,
in tune with the sacred utterances of the priest,
the plantain leaved sweet pudding and rice
immersed in ghee with cashew nut tempt
to end my vow.

How often we have visited bare-footed the local temple
braving the stones and stubbles,
the temple was the local simple  emblem   of the town,
the sole gift of a congregation for many,
not minding the distance and climbing
the steps up and down .

When I tumbled, your kind hand reached me and protected,
We dilated on domestic functions, cared for religious ceremonies.
You gifted me with a bracelet, a token of our long –standing friendship.
The coral and pearl bracelet riveted and jingled,
The coral and pearl bracelet riveted and jingled,
It was a gift kissing my veins, pierced the thews and sinews.

The coral and pearl bracelet befriended the talisman,
tied by my grandmother who was struggling for survival,
I rushed home to see my grandmother,
It was her last breath which mocked the Tanjore plate on the wall,
The oak elephant and the carpet on the marble floor,
The house that she nourished and cherished.
She lived a life of dignity and serenity,
The bracelet befriended the talisman.

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