Sunday, August 29, 2010

(123) Sacred Love.

(123) Sacred Love

A continued feeling that does not forsake
the needy in distress, foresees the pros and cons,
not expecting in return, returning only
uncorrupted and unpolluted love,
Love dipped in service of sacrifice and
Salutary ,does not settle in beds and pillows
Nor does the ‘love songs’ for bath tubs and basins,
Like the sacred tulsi leaves in Indian household,
It confines itself to the worshipful boundaries,
where the physique never comes into question
The two minds thinking alike and taking things alike,
Unyielding to mounting pressures, as pure and salutary,
as the very name of God stands for,
This is sacred love, sacrosanct and love unique;
This is the need of the hour transcending time and barrier.

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