Tuesday, August 31, 2010

(139) Between those pages...

(139) Between those pages........

Between those pages of musty smell
and dust as sediments of layers
that sweep with a stickiness
on the papers almost moth eaten
to remind the time and its dominance,
I browse quickly some stale incidents
that were scanned long ago,
Memory is deep- rooted to recollect
The same tale of a hero,
embodiment of sadness,
Sneeze catches me in between
The inhale of mustiness,
My fingers turn off the pages
to spot the venom of a woman
all spit in persistent dialogues,
to wreck the long survived marriage.
Between those pages, anger doubles
Widow sister , a willow tree’s friend
Wrecks the life, another Lady Macbeth born,
This blood sucker devoid of conscience
determined to delve in to the brother’s ears,
Venom and vendetta in profuse,
Between those pages of yesteryears
of history and histrionic actions of
Men and matters steeped in volley of
hidden thoughts and zero results
Cropping and confusing,
When I near the final pages
Philosophy and resignation also

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