Tuesday, March 30, 2010


After a long ,tedious walk,
walk in self imposed exercise,
thirst , sweat profuse,
compete each other,
inexplicable, insurmountable,
I opened a street tap,
wearing a dent ,
It went dry,
for want of repair,
Poverty dons vicinity.
Poverty in the hands of
the governing,its administration,
Shaking its invisible hands,
it looms large,
unassuming it taps
the select,
Poverty taps those in streets, pavements,
Improvised tenements,
Street urchins hungering for life,
Poverty catches up as if
Pantaloons, infects patches,
Young lad working sums
under the street lamps,
it is this ugly bug, mars
his future prospects,
sing the slogan of
drive away this hankering
spirit of poverty.

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