Friday, June 03, 2016

War Experiance

Ashoka, the great   Mauryan  emperor   supposed to be   a  very war thirsty, changed  drastically  his  outlook
On life, after being  an eyewitness   at  the  gruesome  realities of   warfront   and mass killings, Asoka
Took an oath not to touch armaments   any more. The following is based on  one such experience. Also
A  gentle  take on  “Combat Gnosticism”

                                     War   experience
                    So  much  of blood, So much of  human warfare,
                    I am  immersed in blood  bath, the corpses
                   are  now  sacrificial  ire. I could   hear the 
                   wail of the  widow, the  son’s angry  pitch
                   against  the  crude  artillery , a mother
                  in front  of the dead ward, wishing God
                 could  have  changed the  ordeal, reversed
                  His  dictum. Many  patriotic   soldiers
                 Mangled   and  muted beyond  identification.
                It will  take  ages  to  revamp  the  scar
                and  scene. Is  my  Booty  real? Is my
                Victory  a  wholesome   Gain? All   a   mirage/
               Fie upon  my  diadem, my  state, my region.
               I take   a vow not  to indulge in   battle anymore,
              On to  pilgrimage   and  pray  the  word “ war”
              Be erased in the pages of History.     

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