Tuesday, December 01, 2015

A Rasping Companion

   A rasping  Companion

It is  like    gargantuan  New Arrival,
A  New  Direction  in the
Semi  mad  whirl  of  the Wind.
Just   a gentle   push button,
Speeds   along two immeasurable
Lengthy  tracks, carrying  Onus
Of myriad  commuters. Standing on
The platform, it is  the feel of a
Mesmerizing  agent approaching you.

Those  were  days  when
Charcoal and spooky smoke
Bursting  through upward tunnel
Propelling  factor. Repellent for the
‘No other go’ passengers. Tardy  engines
Perforated with  figures   and  numerals,
No  charm  for  us, but  a  special  charm
For those bogies, for  throughout  they 
Are  their companions.

Now what  does  it  matter?
Whether   you relish kurkure
Or  scribble  on your notepad,
The  agony of  the abandoned child
Which is   in erasable for,  you  are
Restrained :your orthodoxy does
Not permit you to take it further.
Memories  are  the  same .
They  linger  ever.

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